The Vortex Parallel Rifts® Megaverse®
This parallel dimension differs from the Official Rifts® Megaverse® as described below and on subsequent pages.
The changes in a lot of areas are substantial and reflect the
authors view that a world, even as one a fantastic as Rifts Earth
should make cohesive sense at all levels, which the original rules for
the setting do not. There are just too many holes and flaws at the
basic macro economic level and in the basic logic and environment
cohesiveness, the most fundamental being that without global trade the
Coalition cannot exist. Period! It just has no raw materials to produce
anything with/from.
That is not to say that the original setting and material is not inspiring it is, otherwise the author wouldn't have bothered to put the work in to "fix" the rules and to allow him to run a cohesive campaign.
Before exploring the realms within this dimension, Palladium Books® request that I, as author, ask you to please read the Palladium Internet Policy regarding the use of Palladium Copyright and Trademarks.
Available realms are :-
Campaign and Timeline
The timeline and events in my campaign do not correspond to the Official timeline running through the books - especially in regard to the Coalition, Lazlo, Quebec, The Coalition War on Tolkeen, and The NGR. There are also more than a few things I've had to rationalise about ARCHIE and Titan Industries, The Economics of North America (or how the Coalation can exist in any form), Cash, Coins, and Credits, and Communications Infrastructure
As of January 2020 I've completely rationalised all the material on this site and all previous campaign diaries and material have been archived. I am hoping that by the end of the Year I will be in a position to resurrect my campaign from the start under a revised set of rules.
The campaign is initially based around the city of Shiftsville, located on the edge of the Adirondack Mountains in the NE USA, approximately where Griffiss Airforce base used to be. This places it at the SE edge of the northern most region of intense Leylines below Quebec.
Shiftsville Last Updated 01/02/2020
Timelines Last Updated 01/02/2020
ARCHIE and Titan Industries - A basis in reality Last Updated 01/02/2020
The Economics of North America - or Why the Coalition Can't Exist Updated 08/03/2020
Cash, Coins, and Credits Updated 08/03/2020
Goods and Services Updated 10/03/2020
Communications Infrastructure Updated 08903/2020
Shadows of the Federation Last Updated 01/02/2020
Miscellaneous Notes
Prescient Dreams Of Warning Last Updated 01/02/2020
D-Bees and Aliens
Dimensional Beings Last Updated 01/02/2020
Alien Races Last Updated 01/02/2020
Creatures of Magic Last Updated 01/02/2020
D-Bee Racial Character Classes Last Updated 01/02/2020
Magic And Psionics
The world of Rifts is supposed to be one of the most magically charged places in the Megaverse®. The Rifts source books stress this continually and yet there is no difference between a spell cast on Rifts Earth, The Palladium Realm, or the parallel Earth of Ninjas and Superspys ®.
I have therefore made significant adjustments to both "The Basic Rules of Magic", Magic OCCs and RCCs, and what magic is available (see spell list below)One major change is the addition of "Utility" and "Material" spells which address the raft of flaws that exist in the original source material, and allow magic to solve a significant number of issues relating to the supply of raw materials, agriculture and farming, or just surviving or moving around in the cold of a North American winter.
All new spells and discerplines are described in full; otherwise only the changes from the published reules are given.
This brings Magic and Psionics to the level where the Coalitions States are right to fear it.
Full Spell List for Line Walkers, Mystics, Shifters, etc Last Updated 01/02/2020
Full Spell List for Air Warlocks Last Updated 01/02/2020
Full Spell List for Earth Warlocks Last Updated 01/02/2020
Full Spell List for Fire Warlocks Last Updated 01/02/2020
Full Spell List for Water Warlocks Last Updated 01/02/2020
Monsters and Animals
Weapons,Armour, and Equipment Last Updated 01/02/2020
Skills List Last Updated 01/02/2020
Rules Modifications - MDC and Combat Rule Changes Last Updated 01/02/2020
Rules Modifications - The Basic Rules of Magic Updated 29/05/2020
Rules Modifications - Magic OCC and RCCs Updated 29/05/2020
In Cold Pursuit - Rules for surviving the Northen Wilderness in Winter Updated 01/02/2020
The Legal Bit
Rifts®, Megaverse®, and Rifts Books® are registered
trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and rifts Books, Inc.
© 2002 Kevin Siembieda; © 2002 Palladium Books®, All
rights reserved world wide.
No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or
by any means, without permission from the publisher.
All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are
fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is
strictly coincidental.