The Vortex Parallel Rifts® Megaverse®

Cash, Coins, and Credits

Cash, Coins, and Credits

So this is another of the major holes in the original game. There is no concept of economy, trade, raw material supply, or how the ordinary person lives, at least outside the mythical Mega City of Chi-Town, and in reality even that is completely glossed over. There are allusions to basic laser rifles being out of the pocket of ordinary individuals, which basically means that the means to employ mercenaries or anyone else to protect them is out of the question, so how then do the heroes earn enough to buy, repair, replenish, damage destroyed equipment.

There is a currency of sorts, the Coalition Credit, but why would anyone outside of the Coalition recognize it or use as their currency base, especially the independents?

Prices quoted in the books are for the “Black Market”, but this is for inside Coalition Territory. There is no “Black Market” outside the Coalition there is only the “Market”. A Black Market is “is a clandestine market or series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by some form of noncompliant behavior with an institutional set of rules. If the rule defines the set of goods and services whose production and distribution is prohibited by law, non-compliance with the rule constitutes a black market trade since the transaction itself is illegal” (Wikipedia).

Since outside of Coalition territory, trade in most of these goods or weapons are not illegal they can’t be considered part of a “Black Market”, just the market. Book prices should therefore be adjusted(significantly) to reflect this reality

Since there is no reason in reality to use the Coalition credit outside of Coalition territory, the only recourse is to revert to what everyone in history has reverted to; Gold, Silver, and Barter.

Sure there are currencies, in fact in addition to the Coalition, Lazlo, Tolkeen, Ishpeming (North Gun), and the Manistique Imperium, all issue their own currency, all tied to an approximate gold standard. There are also 2 other issued currencies, those of Atlantis and Phase World. They have value only to those who recognize and can use them; otherwise they are considered “fake” or “toy” money. All of the states that issue currency work on a base rate of 1 troy ounce (32.10g) of 0.995 pure gold = 1000cr.

The buy rate (state purchasing gold) varies between 50% (black-market) and 97% of base. The sale rate varies between 103% and as much as they can get away with. Typical large independent towns will buy at 75%->85% and sell at 115%->130%. Depending on their location and who they fear/trade with most will determine what currency they will accept and at what rate. The big 4 will take Coalition credit at between 25% and 40%. The Coalition on the other hand doesn’t recognize any other credit, but the black market does and depending on market conditions will offer between 35% and 55%. Note the Coalition will seize and destroy non-Coalition credits, and may optionally seize or confiscate gold and silver. Note also that neither Atlantis nor Phase World recognize Coalition Credits. Atlantis will trade in Lazlo, Tolkeen, and Ishpeming credits but only offer a base 15% of face value, except for Ishpeming where they will offer between 10% and 15% higher. The base rate for silver is 300cr per Troy Ounce.

In my campaign Shiftsville currently buys gold at 82% and sells at 118%. Silver is bought at 69% and sold at 141%. They will take Lazlo, Ishpeming, and Manistique Imperium credits at 95% of value, Tolkeen at 80%, and Coalition at 40%. They issue their own local currency which they pay all town employees (including the militia) and Iron Hands Irregulars employees in.

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