nd Aliens

Dimensional Beings

The definition of ‘Dimensional Being’ by Rifts Source Book 1 is "any humanoid creature that is obviously not indigenous to Earth or from another point in time, past of future. Humanoids with super-powers are considered D-Bees because they are obviously not human, even though they may come from Earth’s forgotten past (i.e. Heros Unlimited). Intelligent, humanoid, mutant animals not created by the Coalition (Heros Unlimited or TMNT) would also be called D-Bees. As would any humanoid from another planet or other dimension. Likewise, anybody who seems to be human but claims to be from another world or speaks an alien language or possesses unearthly devices is a D-Bee."
In the Rifts Conversion book Wolfen are classified as monsters which is incorrect as they are often mistaken for Dogboys and hence should be classed as D-Bees (mutant animals not created by the Coalition).

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Page Created 19/05/2000 Last Updated 26/03/2002