Weapons, Armour, and Equipment
Enter any Mercenary owned and/or run town on Rifts Earth and you are
liable to come across numerous outlets for weapons, equipment and
armour. In these towns you are guarenteed to find outlets for the major
players NorthGun, Ishpeming, Titan Industries, and Wilks. You will also
find black market dealers selling Coalition and NGR surplus equipment,
and numerous outlets for local manufacturers selling common knock offs.
In addition there are those selling alien devices, secondhand stock,
and sometimes techno-wizardry.
What follows is a catalogue of weapons, equipment, and armour new onto the market or of alien origin, but regularly found in Shiftsville. The availibility of this equipment else where is not gaurenteed.
What follows is a catalogue of weapons, equipment, and armour new onto the market or of alien origin, but regularly found in Shiftsville. The availibility of this equipment else where is not gaurenteed.
Information Available
- Weapons
- Armour
Titan Flying Fortress
Crusader Body Armour Or why the book description is wrong!
- Equipment
- TW Gear
Techno-Wizard Force Fields 22/05/2000
The Legal Bit Rifts®, Megaverse®, and Rifts Books® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and rifts Books, Inc. © 2002 Kevin Siembieda; © 2002 Palladium Books®, All rights reserved world wide. No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.