Pattern Trump Art JofJ Trump Tricks Logrus
Power Words Sorcery Power and Fatigue Conjuration Inscription
Abyss Items/Artefacts   Chi Powers Shape Shifting



Powers and Partial Powers

What can Sorcery do?

Sorcery reshapes reality in a very immediate and impressive manner. It has major disadvantages of scale and speed of preparation, however, and in the need to adjust one's spells for new conditions before they can be used. Where an Advanced Pattern Master could turn Shadow Earth into Care Bear Land fairly easily, a Sorcerer would blow himself up doing the same thing...after spending months to years casting the spell. On the other hand, Pattern won't let you throw lightning bolts or fly. Sorcery can do almost anything that isn't the realm of a stronger Power, and if you possess a stronger Power, you can learn to integrate that Power with Sorcery. It has the major limitation that it can never reach out of the shadow it is used in, unless combined with a higher Power.

Things Sorcery does well:

Things Sorcery can't do by itself:

With basic sorcery, spells must either be instantaneous (such spells can have permanent effects, like turning people to stone), suspended until a trigger condition is met (wards), operate continuously in the same location until they gradually degrade, or they require that the sorcerer maintain the effect by concentration in order to direct it. Advanced sorcery enables the sorcerer to create self-directing spells which can be given simple instructions and left to work on their own without requiring concentration.

Casting Times for Sorcery

For simplicity's sake, magic is here defined according to roughly how powerful the effect is, which defines how long it takes to cast a spell and what level of magic the shadow must support in order to sustain it.

Racking Spells

Weak spells are quick and easy. But most spells take long enough to cast that when you're under stress, you'll die before you finish them. That's what racked spells are for. Sorcerers can rack spells in specially prepared items, casting them in advance, then storing them until needed.

Mages with Conjuration can summon themselves up a spell rack when they need one. Mages with Logrus can hang spells on the Logrus. Broken Pattern Mages can do the same, although the Broken Pattern tends to warp their magics. Crazy mages with Shapeshifting can rack multiple spells in their head, although this is dangerous.

Racked spells do have several disadvantages. They decay over time and you periodically will have to recast them if you don't use them fast enough. The stronger the spell, the quicker it unravels. This means you can't spend a few years in a quick time shadow racking spells, then bring them out to crush your enemies, because most of them will unravel by the time you finish the last ones.

Secondly, racked spells require a certain amount of fiddling with in order to actually be released somewhere other than where they were cast. Crucial components, called 'lynchpins', have to be reconfigured to make them work. The more powerful the spell, the more tweaking, in general. Still, this makes releasing them a matter of seconds instead of minutes, hours, or days. Finally, don't forget you're still going to need a source of magic for them to draw on; racked spells won't work in a shadow with no magic or with magic which is too weak.


Okay if you're looking for a little inspiration .. John Biles has a Grimoire.....
........well he used to have one ......  but his site appears to be down.
.........................However, I had the foresight to take a copy. John Biles' Grimoire

In addition to John's Grimoire I have also created a Grimoire of Spells previously used or currently in use in my own campaigns.. Shadowlands Grimoire


Basic Sorcery – One side of Ygg (03 points)

This is the capacity to create new spells using by combining Sorcery's basic spell qualities or 'components', and also includes the capacity to rack and cast one spell. The basic spell components out of which whole spells are created are:

  • Mind Touch: Opens a mind to mind link between the caster and a subject. This link works the same way as touch or a Trump contact, allowing the two minds to touch. Taken by itself, this spell simple creates a link. It is also the basic building block of any spell that can directly affect another creature. Overcoming the Psyche of the victim is always a consideration (unless the object of the spell opens their mind and becomes a willing subject). This means a Psyche superiority, where the caster dominates the victim, is usually needed.
  • Measure Substance: This is used to perform "detect" and "analyse" and "locate" spells. The more specific the target being searched for, the more detail can be produced. ie- A Detect Substance spell could pick out everyone in a crowd with any Powers or bit of reality to them, but would not specify between Pattern and Logrus, for example. Detect Magic might spot racked spells and identify a man as a sorcerer, but would not notice that he had Pattern Imprint. This component spell can be used to perform a search for something, but is limited to searching a single shadow, since the nature of Magic is usually slightly different in other shadows and the spell will not function there.
  • Counter Magic: This is used to create spells which defend against Magic or disrupt and destroy it. They can be cast quickly and simply.

    Basic Sorcery at this level allows you to operate on one side of Ygg (chosen at character creation). This is either Amber Shadows or Chaos Shadows. When in the opposite realm you cannot use your powers.

  • Basic Sorcery- Both Sides of Ygg (02 points)

    This extends your abilities to both side of Ygg, allowing you to operate freely in both realms.

    'Power' Sorcery (05 points each, requires ‘Power’ Magic)

    This is used to invoke a Power as part of a spell. Each form cannot be learnt unless that power is possessed at the basic level. Trying to invoke incompatible Powers (Like Logrus/Trump or Logrus/Pattern) in one spell is a very bad idea... As is trying to rack a Pattern, Broken Pattern, or Trump invoking spell in the Logrus, or a Trump, Logrus, or Shapeshifting spell in a Broken Pattern. Racking Spells on the Logrus or Broken Pattern is purchased as a Logrus or Broken Pattern power, and is distinct from what this ability allows.

    To incorporate the power into spells the power must be understood at the power magic level..

    Advanced 'Power' Sorcery (05 points, requires ‘Power’ Magic +15, ‘Power’ Sorcery +15)

    A potent ability, fusing Magic and the power together at a basic level. Spells cast with this ability are resisted almost as if they were the power incorporated into them, and show a jump in power even above normal Power Sorcery. This is the threshold to some of the unknown, unlisted feats of grand magic. One must have begun to study the power itself at the advanced level to buy this.

    Quick Casting: (05 points)v

    This allows the caster to reduce the casting time of a spell by one step on the Casting Time table. They can also fill in lynchpins at double normal speed.

    Intelligent Spells (05 points)

    A spell with this micro-spell will be possessed of a certain degree of intelligence, and can guide itself without aid from its caster. It can accept complicated commands, such as a ward whose password or list of authorized personnel can be updated at will. Spells with this micro-spell and Manipulate Shadow can be cast across shadow boundaries to any shadow in the immediate area (where there is no significant difference in the function of magic). A lightning bolt could be crafted that would turn a corner and aim for the largest human target, or "the man in red robes," even if the sorcerer was unsure of the target's position.

    Contingency Casting: (05 points)

    You can rack spells to go off or cast themselves under certain, preset conditions. For example, you can set a racked healing spell to go off if you fall unconscious, or a shielding spell to go off if someone swings a sword at you. However, these spells can only be used as they are set to -- you can't cast the aforementioned healing spell on a comrade, or even on yourself if you aren't unconscious! Also keep in mind that the spell tends to be very literal minded.

    Self-Maintaining Spells (05 points) (requires Intelligent Spells and Spell Maintenance Spells)

    The holy grail of the busy wizard. By tacking an extra 10% onto the casting time, you can create spells which will maintain themselves, leaving you free to work on other matters. This power requires intelligent spells and spell maintenance spells as pre-requisites.

    Spell Rack (03 points)

    Twelve Spell Points worth of spells can be stored in a properly prepared container. You know how to make such containers.

    One additional spell can be racked in one's mind, with a maximum level determined by one's psyche.

    Difficulty Level 'Spell Point Cost' Psyche needed to Rack in Head
    Petty 1 for 8 Human
    Minor 1 for 4 Chaos
    Average 1 for 2 Amber
    Difficult 1 11+
    Challenging 2 21+
    Hard: 4 51+
    Incredibly hard: 8 76+
    God-like 16 126+
    Table 1- Spell Racking Table

    Spell Stealing (02 points)(Use Other People's Racked Spells)

    The Sorcerer can detect and use spells racked by other people. This power works as usual for containers; the Sorcerer must be in Psychic contact with the container in order to access the spells therein. This allows creation to they can spend a few minutes of study in order to figure out exactly what the spell does and what Lynchpins must be specified, or they can be brave and try to cast it without knowing what it does. If the subject resists, the Sorcerer must have the Psychic advantage to cast the spell.

    This can be used, if you successfully invade another Sorcerer’s mind, to use them as a living spell rack, including setting off spells they've racked in their head.

    Bestow Spell (02 points)

    The Sorcerer can rack a spell in another person's mind for that other person to use. See the Spell Point Table to determine how large a spell the person can hold. This depends on the recipient's psyche. Double the time to release the spell if the subject does not have Magic Initiation and Cast Spells on One Side of Yig.

    Bestow Spells (03 points)

    Rack 12 points of spells in another person for their use. See the Spell Point Table to determine how large a spell the person can hold. This depends on the recipient's psyche. Double the time to release the spell if the subject does not have Magic Initiation and Cast Spells on One Side of Yig.

    Sardine Racking (05 points)

    You can now double the spell point capacity of a spell rack (usually turning 12 into 24 at this level, but also a rack 1 spell point item into a rack two spell points item). This is somewhat dangerous, since the item wasn't really DESIGNED to do that. If you have bad stuff or low psyche, there is some danger of accidentally releasing multiple spells whenever you use the crammed rack. If you have both, you're heading for disaster.

    You can rack 2 spells inside your brain; this is somewhat safer than with an item, as you know your brain well. As with Rack Spells, this is limited by your psyche.

    Horde of Spells (05 points)

    You can now make items which will hold 50 spell points. This is a 4 point item property. If you wish to risk your instant annihilation, you can use Sardine Racking to double the capacity, but... You can rack 4 spells inside your brain; this is somewhat safer than with an item, as you know your brain well. As with Rack Spells, this is limited by your psyche.

    Personal Spell (05 points)

    You can hard-wire 1 point worth of spells into your head permanently. This takes ten times the normal racking time and you're vulnerable as hell during the process. This involves doing psychic surgery on yourself, so is not to be undertaken lightly. Be forewarned that if someone invades your mind successfully, they can then use you as a 'magic item' to cast said spell (s). You can, if you choose, alter your selection; see above for the necessary time. Such spells still require the normal lynchpin release time for a racked spell when cast. Use of this ability prevents using your head for racking a single spell as per 'Rack Spells'.

    Cantrips (05 points)

    You can now perform petty magic’s at will with but a thought.

    Personal Sorcery (05 points)

    You can hard-wire 12 points worth of spells into your head permanently. This takes ten times the normal racking time and you're vulnerable as hell during the process. This involves doing psychic surgery on yourself, so is not to be undertaken lightly. Be forewarned that if someone invades your mind successfully, they can then use you as a 'magic item' to cast said spell (s). You can, if you choose, alter your selection; see above for the necessary time. Such spells still require the normal lynchpin release time for a racked spell when cast. Use of this ability prevents using your head for racking a single spell as per 'Rack Spells'.

    Spell Maintenance Spells (05 points)

    This enables you to create spells which will do the maintenance on your racked spells for you. Such spells take about five minutes per spell point of racked spells to cast. This can be combined with Intelligent spells to create an intelligent spell which will do your spell maintenance for you over its duration. (If you choose to rack a spell maintenance spell, determine the 'difficulty' by comparing the casting time of the spell to the spell casting time table)

    Pattern Trump Art JofJ Trump Tricks Logrus
    Power Words Sorcery Power and Fatigue Conjuration Inscription
    Abyss Items/Artefacts   Chi Powers Shape Shifting