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7/5/254 PA 14:00
Emergency Alliance Military Briefing
Alliance Command HQ Qevos

Brigadier General Nikkinot Supreme Alliance Forces Commander stands to speak.
"You are all familiar with the history of the Alliance and the events leading to its formation. For over a hundred years we fought amongst ourselves ignorant of the Foe. When the Foe arrived they did so with the power and destruction of an erupting volcano. For over 60 years we fought them and then suddenly a little over 200 years ago they vanished. Recently groups in all areas of the Alliance have begun to question why we spend so much on the military, why we insist that all citizens of the Alliance must undergo 3 years military service.
Well comrades the answer today, is as it was 200 years ago, so that we are prepared for the Foe's return, so that we will not see world after world devastated and destroyed as we did 200 years ago. Three weeks ago, Ghule was attacked. As of 15:00 hours today the Alliance Council has placed the whole of the Corumbrum in a State of National Emergency as per Article 46.1 of the Alliance Constitution. Ladies and Gentlemen the Foe has returned."
The General waits for 60 seconds before continuing.
"Let me tell you what we know of the events on Ghule. Final Acceptance Testing of the new Psi-Sentinel ViRRDS was on schedule. All bar the last combat test had been completed flawlessly, although the pilot had been uneasy through out the day. He was maneuvering the Sentinel to the firing range in the asteroid belt when he spotted something crossing the orbit of the 5th planet. Maneuvering the Sentinel to get a better look he was staggered to see a Foe mothership. Turning the Sentinel around he raced for the research complex. By the time the Sentential reached its dock a planetary warning had been issued. What happened next is unclear, but all the evidence points to some form of explosion. All the rescue forces found was a perfectly hemi-spherical crater 500meters in radius where the control center once stood and a completely leveled surface to a radius of 2500m.
The last contact with Ghule was 7 days ago when the courier ship, legos, arrived here on Qevos. The Alliance Joint Military Command have discussed the situation and feel it is unlikely we can prevent the destruction of Ghule and the ravaging of the Halos System. Anyone who wishes to volunteer for duty on Ghule should contact his or her superior officer. The Joint Military Command have agreed to send 1 Fleet Carrier and four Frigates to fight a delaying action whilst we reinforce our borders. The carrier, Nelson, is to be renamed Icarus, and will depart at 15:00 on the 9th. Boarding will commence at 15:00 tomorrow . For those of you who chose not to volunteer for this duty your carrier group assignments have already been made and will be relayed to your bodycomps at 06:00 hours tomorrow. Your carrier groups will depart at 15:00 hours on the 10th. Boarding will commence at 16:00 on the 9th following the Icarus memorial service and it's departure.
Good luck and may your ancestors smile on you all."
The General and Command Staff turn and leave the main auditorium. Sergeant Majors begin barking orders to clear the room of troops.

8/5/254 PA 09:00
Staff Officers Briefing
408th Airbourne Infantry Command HQ Hirk Randre

Major General Levenoir 11th Quatark Airbourne Infantry Commander stands to speak.
"Good Morning. I hope you've all had a chance to digest and analyse yesterdays briefing. The next few weeks and in particular the next 57 hours are critical to our survival.
As of 14:00 today Qovos, Nitto, Corok, Hirk Randre, Metak, Tye Thero, Jol Kruge, Qadrat, Norrot, Hirk Jakar, Hirk Qovoq, Qotjal, and Fangrir will be placed under Military law as per Article 46.7 of the Alliance Charter. All citizens under the age of 35, 28 in the case of the Thakoz, will be subject to military draft. All those with prior military experience, including previous National Service will report to their nearest Quatark base, commencing 07:00 on the 9th.
We can therefore expect to see and have to deal with approximately 250,000 draftees tomorrow, 70% of which are to be transferred elsewhere. Of the remainder approx 15,000 will be joining us immediately bringing us up to full combat strength. To put this in perspective each of the Platoon Commanders will need to intergrate approx 11 draftees into their current platoon structure. It also means that about 60% of current junior NCO's and Officers will be promoted as of 06:00 tomorrow.
Now for the bit you've all been waiting for.
The 11th Quatark Airbourne Infantry have been assigned to the Fleet Carrier Hesperus departing Hirk Jakar at 16:45 on 10/5/254 for
Dryden 3. For those of you not familiar with all systems in the Alliance, Dryden 3 is the planet Nessus, coloquially know as Necropolis - The Planet of the Dead.
Our estimated time of arrival in the Dryden System is 04:25 on 39/5/254, achieving orbit at approx 10:45 on 40/5/254. What we find when we get there I can't predict but we estimate that we will have between 3 and 6 weeks to prepare our defences.
Our objectives on arrival in priority order are

  1. to locate suitable locations to construct guerrilla bases and production facilities.
  2. to update the planetary survey data and locate all mineral resources.
  3. to construct guerilla mining operations to extract the mineral resources we need.
  4. to establish planet wide surveillance networks to deny the Foe a place to hide.
  5. to relocate all existing colonists to secure bases.
  6. to locate and relocate all survey teams, archeological teams, and colonial prospectors to secure bases.
As per Article 46.7 of the Alliance Charter Military law will be enfored from our arrival in orbit.
This concludes this mornings briefing. Detailed assignments will be relayed to your bodycomps by 19:00 this evening. Are there any questions?"
Several hands are raised and the General takes the questions one by one

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Page Created 06/07/2002 Last Updated 06/07/2002