
Create (Power Type) Artefacts

Creatures, Artefacts, and Constructs


The Create (power type) Artefacts ability does not always allow a greater Quality or Power level, and works in specific ways, which are written down here:

Power Images

One with the appropriate Create (power type) Artefacts ability can imbue an item or creature with the image of a power. While such an image isn't as strong as the real imprint, it does make the C&A real. So, it will be almost as resistant to Shadow Manipulation as an Amberite or Chaosite, and will have added benefits. However, it becomes a NPC, and thus can turn against its creator. So, it is often incorporated in mindless artefacts, such as weapons, for they have no mind whatsoever. Be careful, though: one can never know what will happen when you play with the basics of reality, and such an item might very well develop its own consciousness, especially if the Power it is based upon wish it so (as happened to Frakir when it gained the Logrus Image). The available Imprints, and their powers, are described below: