The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Sorcha

Sorcha's Diary

Chapter 2 -Waiting For .....Sven?

So it seems I have survived my ordeal but at what cost I have yet to determine. I awoke to find myself in my bed, a broad sword hung within my reach, a sword I vaguely remember resting from the creature.  I was unclothed, hungry and in need of using the gardarobe. I pulled the bed clothes about myself and got out of bed, noting the suit of armour on the armoire as I did so. Forgetting, temporarily exactly where I was I relieved myself, bathed, and dressed in one of the fine dresses in the wardrobe. 

I went down to the hall. My mother was there along with Damon. The interesting thing was that I could now both understand him and make myself understood. My mother seemed pleased to see me. I was surprised first at how long I had been asleep after the ordeal and then at how much time in total had passed since I first melded myself into it.

According to my mother, the four she sent into shadow were about to reach the Carnelian shadow. Once they entered the castle she would either be able to observe them or send us to join them. Sending us now, or me in particular would mean that although I had access to the power of the Logrus I couldn't actually do anything useful with it. If we waited until after they left the castle, although we had no way of knowing how long that would be, I at least would be able to learn how to do something useful with my new found power. 

It was a hard decision to make. I had been brought up to do what was best for my kingdom. By my parentage I had claims on both lineages of power, although I had never thought it possible to be able to access the Logrus as it would mean revealing my heritage in the Courts and most likely being punished for my father crimes. As I write this I am astounded at how I now know this as fact and can only surmise that my ordeal has revealed more to me than I yet know. 

Having this dual heritage means that I should also be able to walk both the Amber Pattern and the Pattern at Carnelian, but at this moment in time adding a second primal power source would not benefit my cause any further. On the other hand not going now would deprive Damon of the opportunity to walk the Pattern. Did I have the right to deny him that opportunity? 

I considered. In the long run, and based upon what my mother had said regarding the current situation, the needs of my Kingdom would be best served by my learning to use the power I had rather than lusting after yet another primal power I couldn't use. Also as time flows much quicker here than there I might have time to learn something useful  before they left on whatever errand they were planning on next.

So we shall stay here for as many days as they remain at the Castle and I shall endeavor to learn how to  put the effects of my ordeal to a more substantial use than being able to converse with my strange companion.

Perhaps I should date these entries in my journal, although in choosing not do I need not reveal how much time and effort it has taken me to just be able to manifest a representation of the madness I endured, the madness called the Logrus, in the air before me. According to my mother this is the first step in much the same way as it is with the Pattern.  Now I need to learn to focus my perception through the manifestation so that I may see the reality of what I should look upon.

I feel that at last I am making progress, although I have yet to find a real use for the extended vision the Logrus provides. I am thankful that I have my mother on hand to answer my many questions and point things out to me. This vision has revealed this tower to be a most strange edifice indeed, and whilst the Logrus reveals this strangeness to me it does not provide me with many reference sources for me to learn what the signatures mean. Perhaps unjustly it has revealed that Damon has no abilities of any description relating to any realm of power. Perhaps then I should consider myself more fortunate to have been raised in a Kingdom where we tolerated and were able to practice such things, although even after 11 years of rules many such prejudices exist in many regions of the kingdom. Perhaps I was wrong in my decision to remain here and thereby deny him the opportunity to walk the pattern if that is indeed his heritage.

I have taken another step on the road to putting the Logrus to greater use and in doing so surprised both myself and Damon. Whilst the Logrus may be used as an instrument with which to enhance vision it may also be used as an extension to ones arms to fetch and carry things and to reach things outside of normal limits of where one may reach with one's hands. In order to use the Logrus in this manner it is necessary to thread ones arms into the manifestation and use this physical impetus to extend a real tentacle out of the Logrus manifestation. Once extended the tentacle may then be manipulated to fetch and carry things. This is the theory. Today I took but the first step and managed to extend a small tentacle of the metaphysical Logrus into the reality of the air in front of me.

Whilst I am progressing in my ability to use the Logrus to fetch and carry objects from the local vicinity I am beginning to think that perhaps I made the wrong decision in remaining here. It is all well and good that I have plenty to keep me occupied but this extended confinement is beginning to have it's effect on Damon. I sense that he is not at all happy with the situation, but as three of the four others continue to remain with the castle going anywhere just now is a little difficult. The other does appear to leave at night and skulk about the local area but I don't think appearing in his vicinity in a town full of demonic troops is a particularly sensible course of action.

  Hero of the Hour - Sorcha   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 10/05/2013 Last Updated 11/05/2013