The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs


My fifth character, Damon, played by Waleed joined us this week, although he still needs to sort his stats out! As he didn't read the background info I sent he he wasn't really able too join in much.. hopefully next weeks things will be better.. they might even work out how to put the party back together in one place.

So first to Kohaku who I brought almost upto date outside the session. We'll pick up as she comes round having used the Carnelian Pattern to Teleport to the Tower of Lethe

Lok 8 Jerit Ta’arm : Tower of Lethe

Kohaku comes round feeling like she's been mown down by an articulated truck, whilst suffering the worst hangover she's ever had, following someone cleaving her skull open with an axe, poking her eyes out with red hot pokers, whilst scream sirens sing in her ears. A woman in a madder red dress quietly offers her paracetamol and ibruprofen tablets to ease her symptoms.

As she recovers, she learns that the woman is called Sorcha and is Deirdre's daughter. She asks Deirdre a whole string of questions concearning the Pattern, repairing the Pattern in Amber, the Serpent, and the Unicorn. She also asks about using the Pattern to shadow walk. Deirdre gives her some basic instructions in needing to actually learn to mind walk the Pattern before she can do anything with it.

She spends a useful few days doing so, although she comes unstuck when Deirdre fetches her back into the tower after an excursion to allow her to work out how to use the Pattern to examine things.

Carnelian 6th Zavax 17 : Castle Carnelian

Fane meets Isocrates in the mess as Isocrates is finishing his breakfast. They set to discussing the events of the previous day and neither can remember seeing Kohaku at all during the day. After eating they try the Command Centre and according to the daily logs Kohaku has not been seen since she was seen walking the Pattern. 

Much of the day is spent in bringing Isocrates up to speed in the use of "modern" firearms, and how to use a proper sword.

Allanon after getting up late spends the day learning how to Mind Walk to Pattern. After a tiring day Isocrates also indulges in a few hours of mental exercise.

Fane spends another night playing tag with the beseiging forces, managing to isolate a patrol several miles from the castle. He manages to disable 3 of the patrol  after a tough fight. One manages to get away, but he does finally have an enemy to study at some leisure.

Carnelian 7th Zavax 17 : Castle Carnelian

After a lateish leisurely breakfast, Fane and Isocrates, adjourn to the command center to gather some intelligence data. Crossing to the infirmary to check on Cordelia they find that she is awake, although the doctors won't currently let her see anyone. They return in an hour to a more than slightly angry Cordelia, who is taking any excuse to see anyone. 

When she asks what everyone's been doing and Allanon owns up to taking an hour to mind walk the pattern, she asks if he's really actually been doing any form of practice. Isocrates follows him out, whilst Fane asks about trump. After he agrees to her reading his mind to garner a current image of Kohaku's psyche, Cordelia sends him to get her art materials from her pack whilst she waits for the Doctors to agree to her leaving the infirmary, although her patience is starting to wear thin.

Allanon sets to practicing mind walking the pattern, whislt Isocrates after gathing a tray of sustenance for Fiona sets to walking the real Pattern.

Fane returns to the Infirmary and Cordelia sets to sketching a trump of Kohaku. Trump completed they leave and cross to the command centre. Isocretes reaches the middle and manages a short word with Fiona. She thanks him for the food and then dismisses him. He teleports to the command centre, previously having noticed Cordelia and Fane enter the building, creating havoc with his sudden arrival. 

Both Fane and him stay as Cordelia is brought upto speed on the castle and seige status. After gathering some food and coffee, Cordelia walks the Pattern to go and talk to Fiona. Isocrates decides he want to go and experience the panoramic view of the seige afforded by the roof of the Keep,and Fane decides to go an see how many more socks he can merge onto his feet.

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Page Created 16/05/2013 Last Updated 16/05/2013