The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs


With Kohaku on holiday in Ireland this week, we were down to 3 players. I'd dealt with the majority of Fane's activity during the 30+ hours the pattern walkers were crashed out out of game and before the session.

Carnelian 5th Zavax 17

Whilst Kohaku wakes first I'll have to deal with what she may or may not have done and fit it around the rest of the events. Allanon wakes next and after sorting out breakfast and a change of clothes sets to re-preparing his spells.At approximately the same time Fane is running into a patrol of the occupying demons in the town. 

Fane manages to elude the hue and cry by hiding in the basement of a collapsed building. After waiting for the hubub to die down he makes his way back to the castle.

Isocrates wakes and manages to work out how to turn the lights on. As he starts to count his coins there is a knock on his door. He knocks in return, and is stunned when he understands the guards query. Eventually he also manages to sort out a request for breakfast and some clean clothes.

Some time passes and there is another knock on his door. He opens it expecting the guard with clothes and breakfast but finds Fane standing there. He's just as surprised when he finds he can converse with him and they understand one another. As they stand exchanging news the guard re-appears with clothes and breakfast. Fane requests a breakfast for himself.

Isocrates decide he needs a shower, and manages to work out how to take one. He's then stumped by where the drying room is. Dripping wet he walks into the corridor and knocks on the first door he comes to. Fane open the door to find a naked Isocrates asking questions. There follows an interesting interlude where Fane first how to explains how to dry and and then dress oneself.

Eventually they all move first to the mess and then down to the pattern. After a debate Isocrates decides he's going to walk the pattern to see if he an learn anything by doing so. Fane goes to talk to the command staff and update them on the intel gained from his nocturnal activity. When he returns Isocrates is about half way through the pattern and appears to be holding an animated conversation with himself. In reality, as he started walking the pattern Corwin's Pattern Ghost/The manifestation of the Carnelian Pattern appears and they hold a two way conversation, about aspects of the pattern, Corwin's daughter Cordelia, and elements relating to PatternFall, Brand, Dierdre, The Serpent, Unicorn, Abyss, and what may or may not be happening at present.

When he teleports, exhausted back to the tree, there is a brief exchange of some information. Isocrates decides he's going to return to his room to get some rest, but by the time he gets there he's feeling somewhat better. Meanwhile, Fane, prompted by the limited discussion returns to the infirmary. He attempts to read Cordelia's aura and finds he's falling in a void. He breaks contact, then cautiously re-establishes it but he can do little more than stand on the precipice and avoid falling in.

The rest of the day is spent on various athletic pursuits principally educating Isocrates how to use a "modern" sword and Allanon and Fane finding out they're equally as good with a sword but that Allanon is marginally quicker.

As darkness descends Fane slips out into the castle surrounds and goes exploring gaining a greater appreciation to the siege. Isocrates and Allanon meanwhile set to working out how to construct an image of the pattern, Isocrates managing to do so in the early hours of the morning, whilst Allanon manages the same feat several hour later.

As Isocrates tries an "English breakfast" [such a strange concept to an Athenian from 300BC] Fane takes a shower and moves to join him.

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