The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs


There was a chance early in the week Marcus would be able to make it as they were supposed to be altering the road works ... which they did and made his journey even worse. It was useful he didn't make it as he'd have spent the evening waiting to do something as the Undershadow journey took the whole evening ... almost.

28th Savich: Oten 4 Nusome Ji’tal : Elysium

Surveying the limitless dull dark blue/gray plain that surrounds the tower, they find they are indeed standing atop a blue gem, atop a 500m gray stone tower surround by a limitless dark blue/gray plain with no visible source of illumination, no horizon, and no landmarks. However Cordelia now appears to have a fiery feather in her right hand.

Of course standing on top of a blue gem on top of a 500m tower has a few issues like how to get down.. which is further complicated when Cordelia raises the feather over her head ala Mary Poppins and walks off the edge, slowly descending to the plain below.

There then follows a significant delay as each tries to determine how to actually move in this unreal world, which turns their imaginings into a reality they believe but which doesn't actually move them anywhere. Eventually they all figure out, with a significant amount of prompting from Allanon, how to get down to the plain where Cordelia is waiting for them.

The next problem is that although Cordelia somehow knows where Dworkin is, when they try to follow her they all disappear into their own realities. Each realizing they've lost the others return to the tower. Setting off a second time they travel in a chain, each holding the hand of the person in front, and each linked psychically to the person on either side. They make progress for a short while, until the weak links start to show, particularly how taxing Fane finds maintaining the contacts.

Rearranging the line with Allanon and Kohaku acting as links between Cordelia and the others they set off a third time. After what appears to be 8 hours travelling, but what is time here, Cordlia calls a halt at an obelisk they encounter. They rest for a while before setting off once more. After a few more hours travelling a shape starts to emerge from the horizon.

28th Savich: Oten 8 Nusome Ji’tal : Elysium

It is the early hours of the morning when Allanon completes the ritual returning them to Elysium. The energy required renders him, Cordelia, and Kohaku unconscious for half an hour or so, although by this time Sorcha has managed to summon the Logrus, although in her exhausted state this took 15 minutes, and raised her mother to transport them all into the tower. Having eaten they all retire to their rooms

28th Savich: Oten 9 Nusome Ji’tal : Elysium

After 24 hours of rest they all rise more or less at the same time, well 7:30ish which is breakfast time. They then set to planning what to do next .. which would have been possible had Fane remembered to bring his copy of the book of Selheim or if the GM had printed a second copy for his reference. 

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Page Created 28/07/2013 Last Updated 28/07/2013