The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs


So we started tonight not expecting a full house, and ended up with one as Waleed, who plays Damon, joining us half way through.

I'm still in the process of resolving what Isocrates did during his shadow excursion as the others headed Amberward in their various manners, so we pick up more or less where we left off.

17th Savich : Amber

The Loretta Bow continues its slow progress Eastward and away from Amber city, pulling into a bay in the early hours ouf the morning. 

Elsewhere Fane and Mikato bed down for the night, Mikato having indicated that Cordelia was about a days travel away in the direction of Amber.

18th Savich : Amber

Cordelia holds an impromptu meeting to discuss the options regarding gaining access to the castle. Assured by Allanon that he has the magic to enable then to descend off the bluff she opts for the North Face of Kolvir assault. 

Isocrates, fearing his lack of combat and stealth skills may be a hinderance opts to go off and explore shadow. Cordelia suggests he take Damon with him. He reluctantly agrees.

Going ashore they head inland, and a couple of hours later reach the western most coaching in before Amber city proper. Cordelia, Allanon, Kohaku, and  Sorcha head inland, whilst Isocrates and Damon set off down the road.

Meanwhile the approach of dawn wakes Mikato and Fane. Fane asks Mikato if Cordelia's position has changed. He indicates that she's now much closer. Thinking on his feet he asks Mikato if he minds being carried. Mikato asks if Fane can actually carry him. Fane thinks he can. They decide to give it a try. Fane changes to his bat form, and manages to get airbourne carrying Mikato. They fly low along the road toward Amber.

Whilst the 13H incursion causes Mikato to freeze Fane flys onward. 

Walking in the other direction Isocrates senses something approaching. Slowing a low flying something appears out of the grey. 

Meanwhile the low flying bat and it's cargo ignore the figures taking cover on the road and press on to Amber.

Reaching the coaching inn passed by the others some hours previously, and prompted by Mikato, Fane heads inland towards Kolvir.

After walking since the early hours Isocrates and Damon, reach the next inn. Unsure of their purpose they enter. Isocrates approaches the bar and begins to quiz the owners, eventually ascertaining the cost of a few things. Leaving Damon floundering, since he speaks neither Thari nor Yue dialect Chinese, Isocrates heads out to find some funds, returning an hour later. They order and consume a meal before setting out again.

As the afternoon wears on Cordelia and party reach the base of the Kolvir track and begin the ascent. 

An hour later both her and Allanon sense something approaching and catch a glimpse of a large winged something through the trees. Fane adjusts his eyes to see better, what the shapes moving up the path through the trees are. Unable to land below the tree line without shredding his wings he opts to land above it.Allanon uses cloak and fly to go investigate, then returns with conformation that it's Fane and Allanon, before returning to wait for the arrival of the rest an hour and a half later.

Meeting up there a few introductions. Fane asks Sorcha about Logrus and Shapesifting [GM Note to self  ... which he shouldn't have known about since they've only just met and she would simply have been introduced as Dierdre's daughter, so the first point he would actually have known she was a shapefifter in reality would be right at the end when she assumes her demon form to fly down to the tower. Therefore this can't in reality have happend.........].

The party then continue the ascent into the evening, and throughout the night till the arrival of the next incursion.

Meanwhile, in the direction of Ashan Isocrates and Damon continue their hike. As evening turns descends Isocrates realising they're not going to make the next Inn before night fall turns off the road in search of somewhere to stop for the night. A couple of hours later finds him negotiating with a farmer of oriental persuasion for bed an board.

19th Savich : Amber

Isocrates wakes as the chimes sound for the start of the incursion. His danger sense buzzes and in response he starts to bring the pattern up as a shield. Barely a third way through, a demon crashes through the wall. Kicking Damon awake Isocrates crashes through the paper screen into the corridor pursued by the demon. Isocrates finds that whilst it's quicker than he is it's not good enough to block his blows. Unfortanately, having thrust his sword through it's ribs, its wrenched from his hand. Backing up he draws his Xiphos and slashes again, first across the abdomen, then across the face, then managing a hamstring, and as the demon staggers floorward, a killing blow to the skull. 

Taking care he checks outside .. there are more demons circling.. he waits patiently for the incursion to end. Then in the early hours before the family wake he and Damon slip out through the hole made by the demon.

Meanwhile back on Kolvir, the party approach the plateau above the castle, a strange pale blue glow lighting up the night sky.  Crossing the plateau they look down on the castle ringed by a pale blue shield. Cordelia brings up the pattern and examines it. It matches exactly the Pattern. With the pattern shielding the the castle they are forced to wait for the incursion to end.

As it does, Allanon prepares and casts 3 fly spells, one on Cordelia, one of Kohaku, and one on himself. Fane and Sorcha transform into winged demons in-order to fly down.

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Page Created 20/06/2013 Last Updated 22/06/2013