The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs - Session 2


Alan has indeed come along to play Charity. He's still finding his feet remembering Charity's history. Still no sign of Paul or James. So we'll just press on.

Shadow - Close to the Tower of Lethe

Charity exits the void onto a flat featureless grey slate plain less than 50 feet from a tower some 100m in diameter and 400m high. A faint blue light filters from the crystal top of the tower but appears to do little to allieviate the intermiable Twilight. Walking around the tower an entrance is revealed by the slight brightening against the dark grey of the tower.
Charity consults Orac.

Detecting the use of power Close by Diedre investigates. Recognising an unknown amberite she send a tendril to bring her in to the tower. A conversation ensues, information is exchanged, Dierdre offers to send Charity to where she sent the others. Charity accepts.

Shadow Earth - Sacramento : January 18th 2004 00:20:00 to 08:07:00 (approx)

Whilst Cordelia and Vialle sleep, Alfred investigates the bunker and Allagahan sits and watches.
Shortly after 6am, Allagahan get the feeling something is about to happen.grabbing his laser rifle he tries to rouse Cordellia and Vialle. Vialle wakes just as Dierdre's tendril drops Charity into the bunker.

Charity recognises Cordellia and Vialle but wants to know who the other two are, as does Vialle - who recognises Charity by her voice. Information is exchanged. Charity puts the coffee on.

Cordellia wakes shortly after 7am, recognises Charity, has a brief excahnge before a urgent call of nature forces her to dive into the lavatory. Grabbing the mug of coffee Charity has poured her she then jumps into the shower.
Allagahn decides he's going to look outside. half way up the stairs he's alerted to something waiting for him. He returns and asks what outside. Cordellia determines its only Mikato.
Reassured, nothing hostile is outside, Allagahn goes upstairs into the ruins of the condo where Mikato is waiting for him. Mikato leaves him alone.
Whilst in the process of extracting clean clothes from under her bed Cordellia stops, concentrates and begin speaking to herself for a couple of minutes. Charity recognses a trump call. Allagahn wants to know if there's anything they can do to help. Cordellia asks if they know how to cook.
Apparently not, so she makes breakfast for them all.

Allagahn wants to know when they're going to get to walk a pattern. Cordellia replies probably when they get to Carnelian, but they have to pick up some supplies first. Variuos items of gear and food are extracted from the supplies that exist in the bunker and they set off for Carnellian.

Shadow Walking - The next 30 hours

Cordelia leads them off down the road, turning left, then right, every 500 yards or so until she can manipulate shadow to put them on a forest track. With both Vialle's and her bad leg progress is slow. As she suggests horses, Charity has the same idea.
Cordellia asks her to find them some and they set off again arriving at a suitable establishment after a couple more hours of walking.

With the acquisition of horses the rate of travel increases but it still takes Cordelia another 6 hours to perform the manipulations necessary to get the shadow of the imprint Fiona had left in her head earlier that day. After a brief respite, they leave in a pair of armoured 60 tonne articulated trucks; Cordelia driving the lead truck and Charity driving the second. It takes 3 hours for Cordelia to return them to Fort Worth, where they collect about 20 tonnes of cargo - muskets, according to Cordelia.

The next leg of the journey, to York England, is the one Cordelia has been trying to figure out all day. With nothing immediatly forth comming from any of the others she adopts a plan she's been formulating although she has no idea whether it will work and it'll mean a significant delay. The party leave for nine hours before they arrive at "The Royal Chanith Regiment - Mobile Artillery Barracks". It appears that no only are they expected but also that Cordelia is commander in Chief here. 4 hours after arriving they party leave accompanied by two APC's, six 20 tonne cargo haulers, and four katusha trucks. A further hours drive with no shadow manipulation this time brings them to with half a mile of the Black Road!

Crossing the Black Road

It takes the artillery troopers nearly an hour to prepare and couple their computer coordinated mortars so that they can lay down a plasma trail ahead of the trucks as they cross the Black Road. Whilst Cordelia believes this will take care of any rampant vegetation, the solidity of the ground still gives her cause for concern although there is little she can do about it. The plasma barrage begins and the trucks roll towards the road. They're about a third the way across before any thing reacts, and they're two thirds the way across before anything physically challenge them. One Wyvern maked it past the barrage from the anti-personnel turrets on the trucks and is breaking into Charity's truck before Alfred shoots it. It decides to leave before sustaing a more serious injury. By the time they clear the road, Cordelia severely tiring and in need of a brief rest and coffee.

On to York, Lucern, and Carnellian

After Cordellia's coffee break, they're back on the road, arriving in York about six hours later. They load the mortars, cannons, and ammunition, before hitting the road again this time for Lucern. A further 4 hours and they arrive at a rather non-descript building. Another hours wait whilst they load black powder and they're on their way again.

After driving for a further six hours and deep in a forest, Cordelia halts the trucks and orders every one out. Back on foot again, they walk for about an hour until Cordelia again calls a halt. She motions for quiet and then bekons the others forward.

The ground drops away to a plain about 100m below them. Visible in the distance about 10 miles away is Carnellian, evidence of the siege clearly visible. Assessing that Vialle cannot make the climb she asks Mikato to look after her before leading the others down. Both Alfred and Allagahan struggle, Allagahan nearly falling several times.

It takes them 3 hours to make their way to the scar in the escarpment just short of the cleft in the cliff seen by Allagahn, and probbaly the best way to get in without being seen. This climb llok far more difficult than their earlier descent and Allagahn and Alfred are not sure they can make it. They rest whilst they decide what to do.

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