The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs - Session 17


Duncan was back this week so we started with a full house. I hadn't updated the character sheets from two weeks ago with the characters point spends so got moaned at for that.

Courts of Chaos

Charity and Alfred brought Allagahn up to speed on their musings as what to do next. The eventual concensus was that a trip to see Dierdre was in order. At 8 days (Amber Time) Hell ride they decieded t wait in the Courts and put their time to other uses. Allagahn read the "Story of Creation" from the book of Selheim, Cordelia busied herself drawing some trumps, and Alfred was seen frequently in the company of Mandor and another Chaosite. Charity decided to visit Habakuk and travel to Dierdre's via the Abyss as it should be quicker.

Tower of Elysium - Dierdre's Chamber

When the 13H arrived Cordelia transported them to the Dierdre's Tower where they waited for Charity to arrive. Various discussions took place and a tentative plan to summon the Unicon next was formulated. Charity appeared about 12 hours, local time, before the next 13H and the plans were rehashed and rehashed. Eventually a decision was reached to go to the Unicorn Grove and summon and bind the Unicorn.

Unicorn Grove

The Amber painting was moved to focus not on Amber but on the Unicorn Grove. When the 13H arrived six figures were seen to be mobile about the Grove. Charity opened a trump gate and Allagahn stepped through to be met by three of the figures who assaulted him knocking him away from the gate. They proceeded after him. Cordelia followed narrowly avoiding a similar strike by a fourth figure.

Sorcha and Alfred followed in quick sucession.

A faily protracted fight followed which resulted in Alfred being severly injured, although none were life threatening, Sorcha being heavily injured - although she proceeded to heal most of her wounds, and Cordelia and Allagahn being lightly injured, although Allagahn's wounds were fewer but heavier than Cordelia's.

After Charity reestablished the trump gate, she was wounded by trying to intervene through the gate, Allagahn transported Alfred back to Dierdre's, were Charity administered first aid to him and sent him back to the Grove. Alfred was in no fit state to return.

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