The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs - Session 16


Duncan was away this week so Allagahn is in NPC mode. It was a quite week all in all with Charity and Alfred trying to sift through the mountain of data they've recently acquired and formulate some plans.

Deep Shadow - Coral's Mansions

Alfred and Charity continue to search the Manor house and try to reconstruct events. The conclusion is that Coral's son, Radix, and his nanny probabbly escaped seconds before the assault on the manor house. Cordelia trys to bring up Amber's pattern but collapses before she's taken more than two mental steps. When she recovers she finds, despite the throbbing headache she now has, that she can with difficulty bring up the Carnelian pattern. Examining the parameters of this shadow she manages to ease the restriction on pattern marginally to make it easier to Shadowwalk away.

Having completed his search of the house Alfred decides to investigate the gardens. He's not been outside for long when he notices a mob of angry villagers coming up the drive. He dashes back into the house to warn the others, who exit via the back door. As they run throught he gardens Cordelia picks the most secluded route she can find, enabling her, with great effort, to Shadowwalk them into neighbouring shadows.

With Alfred and Charity wanting to do some more investigating, particulalry in relation to shadow disturbances and access, and Cordelia wanting some rest she carefully shadowwalks them back to a neighbouring shadow. As they approach the house thay are greeted by the butler who explains that the Lady of the House had to leave suddenly and is not at home. fabricating a story about being cousins, who've come a long distance on a visit they blag their way into staying at the house.

It appears that the Lady's abrupt departure was caused by the arrival of a number of troops, who searched the house and then left. The staff have cleared up most of the mess that was left, but they are worried about her safety and theit lively hood. After Alfred finds the safe, Charity opens it and extracts half the money they find there. They use this as a donation to the upkeep of the house and backpay for the staff.

After resting Cordelia scans Coral's shadow but cannot determine what shadow traffic there had been because of the hurried methof in which they had been forced to leave. When Charity does a similar thing using Abyssal Sight she notices the tell tale signs of an Abyss Gate. Taking their leave they start shadow walking back towards the Courts, whilst waiting for the 13H to arrive.

Courts of Chaos

Arriving back at the Courts they bring Merlin and Mandor upto date on events and ask Mandor about Coral, her son, and his responsibility as God Father. There is an interesting exchange between Mandor and Merlin at this point and the pair of them leave.

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