The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs - Session 14


Almost a full house this week. Duncan is back so Allagahn can reappear. Sorcha is still in NPC mode and I suspect she will remain in this mode till we finish as I haven't heard from Andy in several weeks now.

As we left things at the end of last session, Charity had returned to the Tower of Elysium and was determining what to do next. Alfred, Sorcha, and Cordelia were at the Spreading Yew about a mile from Ygg. Alfred was working on a more coherent questions to ask, Sorcha was doing very little and Cordelia was working on a Trump of Charity.

Various Places

Charity decides to travel to the Courts of Chaos, and based on Dierdre's advice uses the Abyss to do so. Alfred returns to Ygg with his questions, which don't further his understanding particularly.

Meanwhile, Allagahn is growing restless in the monastery and decides to try and determine what is happening, after several days trying to determine Charity's location with Pattern Search, he decides to try something more mundane and after several hours of meditation determines the correct direction to head to find a new sword and suit of armour. It takes him several days to locate them, having first located himself a horse.

The Courts of Chaos

Charity reaches the vicinity of the Courts, and adopting a "human headed" serpentine demon form starts towards the city. She doesn't have long to wait before she is intercepted by a mounted patrol.

With a little effort she convinces them not to kill her and that she needs to see Merlin. She repeats this exercise several more times through the chain of command until eventually she does get to see him. To avoid further complications she allows him to read her mind, before she is finialy recognised and treated according to her status as a 'princess' of Amber. She retires to the guest quarters assigned to her.

When the 13th Hour arrives Cordelia tries to trump Charity but gets no response. So she trumps Dierdre and the group return to the Tower of Elysium. Dierdre explains that Charity went off to the Courts. Cordelia tries Merlin's Trump and gets an answer. An exchange takes place before he allows them to trump to the Courts. They are ushered off to guest rooms through the frozen palace by one of the more junior nobles.

When the 13H ends, Charity decides on using Pattern Sight to examine her surroundings an is suprised to find several psychic signatures she recognises close by. In an adjacent room she finds Cordelia in a towel and after a brief conversation, heads off to locate a lounge. She is joined shortly thereafter by Sorcha, Alfred, and Cordelia. Several hours later Merlin and Mandor join them.

Information is discussed and plans formulated. The party decide to wait for the next 13H to retrieve Allagahn using the sketch Charity has previously drawn. In the meantime Alfred and Charity continue reading sections of the book of Selheim. Cordelia and Alfred also take basic Sorcery lessons from Mandor.

The initial trump contact Allaghan blocks using Pattern Defence. Cordelia recruits Alfred and together they try again this time forcing the contact. Cordelia then controls Allagahn sufficiently to bring him through the trump gate.

Horses are then hastily arranged and the party depart for Carnelian. Allagahn takes the bulk of the Hellriding effort, relieved when he tires by Charity or Cordelia. After 4 days of travel (Amber Time) they re-ennter Carnelian using the familiar route.

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