The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs - Session 13


Duncan is still on holiday so Allagahn is still off in shadow. I still haven't worked out timeline yet which is actually now causing me problems. Andy didn't appear again this week so Sorcha is still in NPC mode.

Tower of Elysium - Dierdre's Chamber

Cordelia, Alfred, Allagahn, and Sorcha are relaxing, reading and discussing the implications of the contents of the Book of Selheim as they read it. They now most the significant part of the story of creation relating to how Rodian was born and how he was bound again. They have the rituals for summoning and binding the unicorn, as well as binding and unbinding Rodian.

With this information they recap the tasks Dierdre initially set and put them into context. Whilst they now know a lot of they require to do they lack some key components. The ones that are currently pre-occupying them are the Chalice and Blade of Yggotharan. Correctly surmising that Ygg and Yggotharan may be related Alfred wants to go and talk to the tree.

In the course of discussions Charity reveals that the reason she appears affected by the 13th Hour is that she was dumped into the abyss by Brand and rescued by the Kraken, but not without tainting her first. She also reveals that Cordelia has a feather mark, most likely belonging to the Phoenix in her aura. This leaves Cordelia speechless for a while.

Cordelia agrees to take Alfred and Sorcha to Ygg by Trump but they have to wait a couple of days until the next 13th Hour occurs. In the meantime Charity decides to go and consult the Kraken in relationship to acquiring his blood and ink for the ritual to rebind Rodian.

Ygg and The Inn of the Spreading Yew

Cordelia and Sorcha get bored with watching Alfred hug a tree and retire to the 'Spreading Yew' inn about a mile away. Alfred questions the tree somewhat haphazardly and can't make sense of its answers. He's not happy when he finally manages to track down Cordelia and Sorcha.

They decide to stay here until the next 13th Hour so Alfred can question the tree some more. Cordelia decides to use the time to create a trump of Charity.

Meanwhile, Charity returns to Dierdre's tower to find Cordelia and the others have left. She ponders what to do next.

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