No Sorcha or Allagahn again this week. Duncan is still in Australia and Andy is where ever Andy is.
We pick up adjacent to the Tower of Elysium in Undershadow where we left Sorcha, Alfred, Charity, and Cordelia last week. Charity has just ridden upto the others with three spare horses which only she can see. The others just see her standing there. Just to make life more interesting the trump Cordelia had of Dworkin has vanished, yet she knows in which direction to go to find him, and she now has an ornate fiery feather in her hand.
Alfred tries to walk away from the tower which to him happens but to the others he goes nowhere. He then tries creating holes, which it turns out only he can see.
After some experimentation, it appears that all processes here are based on psychic manipulation, which means to actually walk away you must manipulate undershadow in a similar manner to Shadowwalking. Not having done the latter Alfred finds this difficult. It also seems that each person perceives and acts differently therefore for them to travel as a group they must be psychically linked.
Cordelia leads the way and Charity acts as a bridge to Sorcha and Alfred. They travel for a few hours before Cordelia is forced to rest. Several hours pass before they set off again. Several hours travelling go by before they approach an obilisk. Sometime is spent examining it. Although there are hiroglyphs on it they find they can't read them, neither can they copy them down either by writing what they see or by taking a rubbing. In the former case it just appears as radmon squiggles on the paper and in the latter as a shaded page.
They set off again, and after a few more hours pass what appears to be a town off in the distance. A few more hours brings them to another obilisk. Cordelia is forced to rest again.
Rested and refreshed they continue for several hours before they find they are approaching another town, which seems to be their destination. It is both ugly and yet beautiful, built without any regards to convential laws of physics, style, taste, or anthing else, almost as if a derranged architect has been let loose after a session with Mobius.
Entering the town they thread their way through its twisting streets towards a mis-shapen medieval hall in the centre of town. The doors to this are closed unlike any other they've passed.
After a little thought they knock and anounce their presence the doors opening before them. They wall down a long entrance hall towards another set of double doors. The ones behind then clang shut ominously. As they approach the doors ahead they swing open to reveal a great hall. At one end is a raised dias on which sits a throne. Slumped in the throne is a deformed and burnt body.
They enter, and walk towards the throne. They are about a quarter of the way into the hall when the doors slam resolutely behind then and something cackles and laughs from up in the rafters of the vaulted roof.
Alfred starts towards the throne and is knocked down by a deformed, goblinesque creature which leaps down at him and then back into the rafters without regard to any laws of physics. Alfred tries again with the same result. Experimenting, Alfred and Charity find that neither of them can approach the figure. They turn to Cordelia.
She walks forwards finding no resitance and walks up to the figure. As she nears it Dworkin's ghost reappears. Alfred and Charity now find there is no restriction on approaching the throne.
Various things now happen. Dworkin gives Cordelia the rest of the book of Selheim, although it has been badly damaged, and several chapters are missing from the end of the book. Charity asks Dworkin about trump, but gets no straight answers. He does give her a trump of the hall when she asks for it.
They all then leave, this time with Charity leading. Cordelia acts as the bridging link. Alfred is not happy with this and when he tries to break the link, Cordelia takes over control to maintain it. He then throws a tempertantrum so she locks him inside his own mind and leaves him to fume for most of the journey.
They make it passed the first obilisk before Charity tires so Cordelia and Charity swap roles. When they reach the tower they reverse Alfred's ladder descent to climb back onto the top of the crystal section. Alfred then starts the incantation whilst Cordelia reprieses her role as a 'power' conduit. As they return to Shadow, Cordelia and Alfred both collapse from the effort and it takes them several minutes to recover. All find that they are thirsty, hungry, and exhausted.
Using a Trump card they call Dierdre and are whisked back into the tower. They find that xx days have elapsed.
After resting they bring Dierdre upto date. Alfred continues reading the Book of Selheim, whilst Charity starts to read bits of the section recovered from Dworkin.
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