The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs - Session 11


Well its the first week back after my busman's holiday. Duncan is off to Australia so Allagahn will be going off into Shadow to try an improve himself. How far he gets depends upon how fast other things progress and the boundaries I define for the shadow he's in - once I determine them. Andy didn't show so Sorcha reverted to NPC mode leaving me just Charity and Alfred - Cordelia is off in shadow and I haven't worked out timescales for what she's been doing yet.

Castle Carnelian - Pattern Chamber

Charity, Alfred, and Allagahn, are in the center of the Carnelian Pattern - with Fiona - and Sorcha is sitting under Drasil watching events.

The plan was that the three of them would psychicly link with Charity in prime position and then teleport to Dierdre's tower - The Tower of Elysium.

As it turns out things never happen to plan. Firstly Allagahn vanishes after reaching the center of the pattern. Fiona inquires why Sorcha isn't with them, and gets the reply that Sorcha doesn't want to walk the pattern. Charity, after several GM hints, then remembers that you can get on and off the pattern with a trump, but doesn't have a trump of Sorcha. Fiona hands her one she prepared earlier.

With a little effort, Charity manages to trump Sorcha to the center. The three of them then link up and teleport to Dierdre's tower. The link means they get a chance to access each others relative psychic strength and abilities.

The Tower of Elysium - near vicinity

Arriving in the vicinity of the tower they have a general look round, Alfred getting his first exposure to the sensation of being close to the Abyss, and Charity trying very hard not to give anything away.

As they start to climb the stairs they find some blood drops, but can't determine anything else about them.

Reaching the top of the tower they examine the crystal without finding a way inside. Eventually Charity remembers she used Dierdre's trump to alert Dierdre to her presence last time. Drawing the trump and concentrating she is rewarded by the appearance of the Logrus tendril which drags her inside. After informing Dierdre or Sorcha's and Alfred's presence they are duly brought inside as well.

The Tower of Elysium - Inside Dierdre's Chamber

Conversations follow. They party are informed that Cordelia came and went and took the section of the book of Selheim that Dworkin left with her. They are also told she went looking for him.

Close to the end of the exchange, where the party are trying to decide what to do, especially in regards to locating Cordelia and/or Dworkin the 13th Hour occurs again.

Dierdre asks Charity whether she wishes to be affected or not. She opts not to be affected. This sparks another round of debate although Dierdre refuses to let on why Charity is affected if Charity has no wish to tell them.

Nearing the end of the 13th Hour, Dierdre takes a trump call and Cordelia reappears. It seems she found Dworkin or at least a Ghost of Dworkin which instructed her to find him in Undershadow and gave her a trump of himself with which to do it.

The problem now is what exactly is Undershadow and how do you get there. Dierdre doesn't exactly know what Undershadow is other than it is a reality that exists below or in parallel with Shadow and the Tower of Elysium exists in both realms simultaneously. If a person stands in the pentacle on the roof and recites the inscription then they are transported to Undershadow.

After a short discussion Dierdre transports the group onto the roof. Albert determines that the ritual is Sorcery based. He starts the incantation. About a quarter the way through he begins to struggle and falter due to the power drain. Cordelia organizes the others into a 'battery' and feeds power to Alfred. Both Alfred and Cordelia are exhausted by the effort, but Alfred manages to complete the ritual transporting them to Undershadow.

They find themselves in a realm similar to the one they left, but darker and sinister and with no real horizon - "reality" just appears to fade out. After a certain amount of experimentation they manage to get off the tower.

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