The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs - Session 10


A full house this week. It was a week of surprises both from the GM and Players. We'll see how all this pans out when we pick up again after a two week break due to the Bank Holiday. I might have even worked out what Cordelia has been doing by then.

Amber Date 22nd -25th Savich PPF 5 - The Herrigburn : Hellriding through Shadow

After Benedict's announcement, he turns to Cordelia and instructs her to take them there. There is somewhat of a stunned silence when she refuses. An immediate discussion follows during which time Allagahn states that he can do it. After Charity agrees to do it Llewella decides to take her offer. She gives Cordelia her blessing to leave if thats what she wants to do.

Charity begins the manipulations for a hellride and they all settle into a routine for the journey. Daily lessons for Allagahn in the use of the sword follow from his father, along with an indication of his fathers opinions of some of his behaviour - whilst some of his wounds and bruises heal others get used as teaching aids.

Various interludes also take place between the Elder Amberites and the other party members after Cordelia leaves about 7 minutes into the first 13H occurrence on the journey. None of the other 13H occurrences create any problems, although Llewella appears intrigued by the fact that of all the Amberites only Charity freezes.

After the best part of three days sailing, measured in Amber time, Charity brings them into a port close to the Carnelian Shadow. They abandon the Herrigburn for a short shadow walk into the castle via the tunnel. There is a brief altercation between Charity and Llewella, when she questions Charity's method of getting into the castle but she backs down when Charity suggests she takes over.

Apart from Allagahn's sword lessons, he and Alfred indulged in a little psychic sparing so they can sort how how it works.He gets a much better idea after they meet up with Fiona.

- Castle Carnelian

After the necessary precautions are observed by the guards, the group are forced to wait for Fiona's arrival. She arrives with the pattern up and proceeds to inspect everyone, just to make sure they are who they say they are. Satisfied they all adjourn to one of the castle reading rooms, where new members are introduced and information exchanged.

With the initial group hug over both Allagahn and Charity have private conversations with Fiona. Allagahn want to know about Shadow Molding which is where he finds out how a mind can be read and analyzed by somebody experienced at it, but who knows what Charity wanted - may be it has something to do with Cordelia's apparent strange behaviour?

After gathering supplies, bathing, eating, gaining new clothes and other sundries, Allagahn, Alfred, and Charity set off to walk the pattern. The plan is once they reach the middle they will open their minds to Charity and she will, using the Pattern, teleport them to the Tower of Elysium, where Dierdre waits.

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