The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

GM Session Logs


After an extended absence Paul re-appeared so I'm now upto 5 players. He picked set of Stats 1 and the background I developed and is playing Sorcha Ballentine. He spent most of the session waiting for the others to get to a point where I could introduce him, which wasn't a problem as his character background required him to spend a certain amount of time with Dierdre. Tristan was ill so Taala was in NPC mode - ie not doing a lot. I'll need to do a quick reverse update if Tristan wants Taala to walk the pattern as she'd do it when Ion and Daida do.

Carnelian - Shadow Walking there and back again

Having arrived on the cliff tops several miles down the coast from the Castle, Cordelia and co  now had to find a way inside. Ion, Daida, and Charity set of on a reconnoiter whilst Taala and Cordelia guarded Vialle. Climbing down the cliff was a simple matter for all except Charity (even in her demon form), and the hike along the beach posed no hazard for any of them. As they approached the edge of the town Charity had a bad feeling about using the cliff path, although the other two would quite happily attempted it. Charity had by now spotted the cleft and persuaded the others that that would be a better route.

Having scaled the cut in the cliffs, she changed into flying form for the 300 ft journey along the cliff face to the cleft, although the winds proved slightly more tricky than she anticipated , and her wings got in the way as she tried to enter the 15" inch wide cleft. Changing back to human form she explored the cleft until her hair stood on end and she decided to retreat.

Meanwhile the other two had got board with waiting and had climbed along the cliff face and entered the cleft. After a slight " blue on blue" incident they managed to get to talk to the castle guard and were told to go and fetch Cordelia.

The bad guys had noticed this activity along the cliff top and when the Charity re-emerged decided to do something about it. Charity, in flying demon form about to be attacked by two flying bad guys retreated vertically upwards, until she was shot by the castle guard - well all demons look alike don't they. The bad guys knew enough not to follow her but were jumped by Daida and Ion. Daida ended up at the bottom of the cliff where he mugged the half dozen demon troops set to kill him, and the pair of castle guard who'd followed Daida, Ion, and Charity to the cleft edge deterred the air-borne demons from molesting them any further.

The three of them retraced their route, fetching Cordelia, Vialle, and Taala, and made their way back and into the Castle. Ion, Taala, Charity, and Daida were shown into guest quarters, whilst Cordelia and Vialle disappered else where.

After a, very insufficient as far as Charity was concerned, two hours sleep, they were awakened by Cordelia so they could go and fetch the trucks. 5 hours later as they were approaching the trucks, Cordelia called a halt. Someone was ahead, close to where the trucks were parked. They all spread out, Ion and Daida entering the woods on the left, and Cordelia the woods on the right. Charity in a tactical master stroke - perhaps she should improve her warfare - went straight up the middle. Although she did stop when she realized exactly where the unidentified person was. Another tactical master stoke followed as she attempted to converse with Sorcha, who upon replying found she had a cold sword blade resting against her neck.

Introductions out of the way, Cordelia briefed them for the five hour uneventful hell ride back to Carnelian, she had to retreat away from Carnelian initially to shift the terrain into a more favorable arrangement. Once they were back in Carnelian, Charity headed for bed but Ion and Daida wanted to walk the pattern. Cordelia gave them the do's and don't lecture, made them memorize their rooms and then took them down to the pattern. Ion walked it first followed by Daida, whilst Cordelia and Sorcha watched. Having recently assayed the Logrus Sorcha chose not to walk the pattern.

Whilst all this was going on, Fiona remained in the center of the pattern doing whatever it was she was doing. After Daida, completed his walk, Fiona told Cordelia to join her, so she started walking the pattern.

Initially all went well, but as Cordelia passed the first veil she appeared to Sorcha, who sat under Hydrasil watching, to shudder. At the second veil Codelia appeared to stumble, but continued on. As she passed through the third and final veil Cordelia collapsed forcing Fiona to leave whatever task she was involved in and get Cordelia to the infirmary. A short while later returning to her previous task.

Charity slept long into the morning, blissfully unaware of the nights events. On waking she ordered a few servants about, before, via a convoluted route, making her way to the pattern chamber. As she started a conversation with Fiona across the pattern, it flared into activity, stopping the conversation for 20 minutes or so as Fiona diverted her attention else where. When the activity died down she joined Sorcha and Charity at the pattern's edge.

Charity wanted to walk the pattern but Fiona, after implementing a quick pattern scan didn't recommend it, believing that Charity's Endurance is too low to walk this particular pattern. Fiona suggested that they accompany her to the infirmary so they could talk further, whilst she attempted to determine what had happened to Cordelia. Daida and Ion slept the sleep of the pattern exhausted.

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Page Created 08/07/2003 Last Updated 02/07/2004