The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Isocrates

Isocrates's Diary

Chapter 2 - One thing after another...

We left early. I think was early. There has been discussions about time and the possibility of experiencing it at different rates. For a barbarian, Cordelia, seems quite knowledgeable. 

It was cold. Very cold. I am thankful that Cordelia was able to find suitable clothing... it smells strange and feels strange, but if it keeps me warm enough to survive the hostile environment that awaited us then it will do. 

Corpses of monsters. Unusual, broken structures, no one in sight, this was a very strange world. I have no bearings here, the stars look wrong. The roads were amazingly large. I couldn't imagine what kind of carts would travel these. I asked Cordelia many questions, and then over the course of the day, I would see for myself and realize that I maybe the barbarian here... 

The barbarians seem more comfortable with their surrounds and their situation. During our travels, I listened to them talking - thankfully, my extensive experience with languages is proving useful here; while I may not understand, I see the patterns and the flow and the structure. Unfortunately, these barbarians are not proving very talkative, so my learning is hampered somewhat. It is clear they do not know each other very well, in fact I would go so far as to say that their social skills are not extensively reinforced. 

We have a blind Queen with us on our travels, whom Cordelia guards. She is quiet and not enjoying the rapidly changing scenario we find ourselves wrapped within. It's bad enough for the rest of us, I wonder how terrifying it would be if one could not see as well? At least she can't see the talking dog... what an incredible marvel! 

I tried to understand how operate these motorized vehicles, but my efforts were not appreciated. It figures to me that there so much to learn and we have so little time. Perhaps I need to accept I will never know... I shudder at such a thought. There was little I didn't know in Athens, and now here I am, in a world that I didn't know existed until last night! A world where everything is different; though, there are trees, grass, sky and clouds, nothing else bears much resemblance to what I know. 

We also witnessed that Cordelia is more than Human. Well, that is still up for debate, as one could argue that such powers are more the realm of Monsters than Humans! She claims to be manipulating time, things change, too subtle for the other barbarians to notice, but I see things changing when they shouldn't - it is disconcerting, I fear she may miss and change me! More noticeable effects include colour changes in the environment, especially the sky! Though even the Barbarians have noticed, they seem fairly contempt with it! This is surprising, but then maybe this happens from where they are from. 

I must visit the North when I get back. 

We were also joined by another Barbarian. This one seemed more 'normal' if I dare use that term, considering where I am. I haven't a clue what he says and it is definitely a different language to what I've been listening to recently - will the Gods please be merciful to me for at least one moment! I have not yet got the first dialect and now I'm assaulted by yet another! 

Now we have more strange motorized vehicles to ride. They bear little resemblance to the previous one! 

My head is starting to spin... I'm going to sleep...

  Hero of the Hour - Isocrates   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 30/04/2013 Last Updated 30/04/2013