The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Kohaku

Kohaku's Diary

6th , Month of cherry blossoms, 2017

Today my pattern skills will be tested as I shadow walk back to Carnelian! I hope the others will still be there. Deidre suggested that I take Sorcha with me in case I need help, which I gladly accepted. I also asked Damon if he would like to join me and he accepted.  I hope this goes alright.

9th , Month of cherry blossoms, 2017

3 days ago, Deidre transported us outside where I can use my pattern and I walked around for a bit, looking for changes through the pattern. After this didn’t work I tried to remember what Cordelia and Prince Corwin’s ghost had mentioned about shadow walking. The next thing I tried was to try to make the change myself by imaging that there was, say, a plant behind me. I turned around and was surprised when I’d seen that I had done it! However it wasn’t the only change, the sky was pink, the ground was grassy and the gravity was very strong. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself until I realised I was alone. Couldn’t Sorcha and Damon see me walking and follow me? I decided to go back and fetch them by bringing the tower to mind. The next shadow I was in was desserty and windy, the gravity was even heavier and there appeared to be a bad storm coming. There was a tower in the distance but it was not the tower I was looking for. I was a little disheartened and felt a headache coming on but the wind was picking up and there looked to be a pretty nasty sandstorm coming, I had to get out of here.
I tried to think back to how Cordelia shadow walked, I remembered the truck engine almost cutting off when she tried a change that was too large and how I had hardly noticed the changes. Looking through the pattern, I imaged the sand getting greyer then the sky. It was tricky but I managed to get to a place that was safe enough to rest until my banging headache had gone. I then repeated the process several times until those extra moons in the sky went away and the tower gained the gem atop of it and was just the right colour until I could not find any more parameters to change. I dropped the pattern and found myself, finally, back at the tower. Or a few miles away from it, but I wasn’t about to use shadow walking to make it closer.

.Unsurprisingly, Damon and Sorcha had gone, presumably inside the tower. I noticed there were no doors or windows, in fact the only thing the tower did have was a staircase. I decided to climb them, with a lack of anything else to do and in the hopes that Deidre will be able to find me on the roof as she did when I tried to teleport inside the tower, however I could not be sure that she would notice me.

  Hero of the Hour - Kohaku   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 31/05/2013 Last Updated 31/05/2013