The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Fane

Fane's Diary

Day 12 (Morning - continued )

But first I go and see the Queen. She tells me that she does have a trump statue of Merlin but only she or a trump expert could use it. Unlike Fiona she has nothing against people from the courts. But the logrus is more heavily guarded than the pattern and she thinks that it would be Suhuy that would need to help me with the logrus not Merlin. She remembers that I carried her. I tell it no problem and if she ever needs any more help to just ask. 

Well I go and see Mikato and he says that he can indeed get me to Cordelia but we need to get outside first. I ask him if we could start in the tunnels as the other way out is guarded. He says he has never tried but we may as well try. 

I have to be in contact with him to go with him. So I make a lead out of my arm. Which should work. But without the lead we go to the tunnels and try. 

He walks around for a while sniffing the air and then the world lurches, a we seem to be somewhere different. He says it did work. I say yes but it looks like me being in human form will not be useful. So I change into wolf form and make a lead out of fur. This works much better. 

Well we head off to Amber. We travel for 16 hours and then he says he needs to rest. So while he sleeps I try and see if I can shift blood. In the 8 hours that we are stopped this time I do seem to be able me make the blood take on the shape of a small bat, but it’s just a rough shape at the moment. 

When he wakes up he says he needs to hunt. Well what he really means is he is going to steal some food. I say I can help him with that next time. Maybe buy the food even. 

So we head out for another 16 hours travel. Well it seems better this time I think I am getting used to Mikato’s form of shadow walking. 

We stop for another 8 hours. Again I try more blood shifting. And I get a more bat like shape. 

But I was temporary interrupted by an incursion. I notice that Mikato also freezes during incursions. Strange I didn’t notice him freezing when we were with Cordelia. This time when we go hunting I think about buying the food, but I realise I don’t have the correct money, so I return to wolf form and head into a shop that sells chickens. The owner spots me and tries to shoe me out. While she is distracted Mikato steels the cooking chickens. When she goes for him I steel the cooked one. Well that went well it looks like teamwork makes this form of hunting easier. 

When Mikato wakes up I ask him about it and he says he gets these strange feelings sometimes but does not really know that the world freezes. He will think on it. 

Third 16 hours of travel. This is getting boring but I need to get to Cordelia. 

We stop for another 8 hours and this time I manage to get the bat blood creature to move a little. It can’t fly but it twitches. 

We go hunting and get more food. More travelling. Boring. 

This time I get the blood creature to fly a few seconds. 

I suggest sausages for dinner. And we do find some cool. 

We continue to travel and during the breaks I practise my blood creature. 

During the next incursion a flying gyroscope appears and then a cage forms around us. A voice asks were we are going. I tell the voice I don’t know Mikato is taking me somewhere that I need to go but I don’t know where. He says he can’t help us then. I do get a name Ghost wheel. 

When I ask Mikato about it he says it the think that made him. But it in turn is a trump construct made by Merlin. So I could have trusted him. But I was not going to trust on voice without knowing that he was good. 

We travel for 3 more 16 hour shifts and have 3 more incursions one of which happens during the 16 hours shadow walking, which is not good as Mikato freezes and I am stuck in some strange place. And during one of the rest periods I have to rest as well as I was starting to get tired but I did go several days. 

And it did give me a chance to play with blood. And I think I have done it I have a mini blood red bat that can fly around and I can even talk to it. I wonder what it can do. And how long it will last for. I wonder if it has any of my abilities. This last one I created and have left alive if it is alive, does seem to have some powers but yes I need to find out what it can do. 

I will also have to see if I can now make other creatures. 

But in the end we make it to what Mikato calls the Ashan borders. And that we no longer need to be connected to travel. Due to a permanent shadow link form here to Amber. So we just follow the road. I guess we are still shadow walking to some degree, but it just feel like walking. We rest for another 8 hours. And hunt for 1 hour this time. We continue to walk and pass an inn. Then get another incursion. After that we carry on and arrive at a second Inn.

  Hero of the Hour - Fane   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 19/06/2013 Last Updated 19/06/2013