The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Fane

Fane's Diary

Chapter 10 - The

Another Day

The grove is full of Demons but it looks like 2 sets not one group. It’s a hard and long fight and Kohaku gets hurt again but we do manage to kill them all. But Allanon needs a non-area attack spell as his area spells are not great in a melee. I manage to heal Kohaku during the fight and after that she used Static in the fight. Once all the Demons are dead we rest and Sorcha starts the ritual. The ritual is very long and it even affects us. The air gets cold and the there is a field around the grove. As the Ritual ends I See a demonic horse for a fraction of a second before its resolves into a normal size horse with a horn. I pass out. Then I feel that someone is picking me up. There are 12 black demons here They explain they are here to help. They look passive so I let them carry on picking up the others that are all unconscious. They carry us off to the black road and along it. The unicorn follows. They say they are taking us to safety. The black road does not seem to affect them at all strange. We run for about 45 minutes and them leave the black road and approach some buildings. I hear a Female scream. It’s Sorcha. She has awoken. The demon holding her drops her. She is normal size again. Sorcha changes to demon form and looks ready to attack. I get the demon holding me to let me go SO I can talk to Sorcha. I convince her that we and not in any danger. The leader of the demons says sorry and that introductions are in order. He is Prince Fredrick, and the Kraken sent him to rescue us from the grove as we were in danger there. He gets the others to take the others into the building. And then says Sorcha should change to human form, which he does too. He says we should enter the Buildings too. Sorcha says she guesses the Horse should come too. And that the horse is a bastard. Humm the Unicorn is Male. I understood form the Book that it was female. Well I guess it’s either. I ask her what happened but she does not want to talk about it. We put the Horse into the stable and wait for the others to wake up.

  Hero of the Hour - Fane   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 20/11/2013 Last Updated 20/11/2013