The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Fane

Fane's Diary

Is this day 16 or 17?

After we had buried Random. We hell rode back to Ashen. 

Interesting so with hellriding you can move faster in the same shadow, not different shadows. 

We stopped at an inn to eat. During the meal I found out that Corwin had a blood creature, does this mean he has shape shifting abilities too. Cordelia does not know. 

I asked Cordelia how we could find Dwarkin. But she does not know at the moment there are no trumps of him and searching with the pattern would finds a shadow of him not real him. 

There is also no way to track the book we are after. She will need to talk to someone who knew Dwarkin. 

She says Deirdre must know him. 

I get a bit of time later with Sorcha and ask if I am ready to connect with the logrus. She tests me. Which was not fun as she stabs me to test my shift wounds at one point. She says I am getting there but not ready yet. 

Ok so Cordelia got out her trump of Deirdre and looked at it for a while then a doorway opens and Deidre passes a book through. Cordelia say Dwarkin was at the tower 7 days ago and dropped this part of the book off for us. 

Just then Ghostwheel turned up. He had sensed Cordelia using trump and turned up to see what was going on. He could fine the rest of the book but sees no reason to do so. 

I ask him about the logrus and he tested me. What is it with these people and their tests? He says my auto shift not ready yet. 

Cordelia does not seem to like Ghostwheel she said later he as funny but likes to play games to much. But he did bring us to where Isocrates was. He not at the inn Ghostwheel dropped us but was here. 

We need money for this Inn. 

    Interesting Pattern finds stuff you have to go and get it. Logrus gets stuff to you. Sounds like logrus is much better. I can’t wait till I can use it. 

We eat and then got to bed, but before bed I practise some shift anatomy I can only get better at this stuff. 

In the morning I join the others in some sparring. 

    It looks like I’m a better fighter but he is a bit better with a sword. Well I use my claws anyway so that does not matter. Also he does not know any archery he does not hunt. I guess he did not need to when he was a kid. Shame. 

Later Cordelia turns up and does some strange dance sort of thing. Kohaku says its some form of martial art (Thai Chi). Looked strange to me. 

I can’t be bother to work out days and nights now All this shadow walking is confusing me. One miniute its day next its night. I understand they can sort it out as they have walked the pattern but I can’t yet, maybe the logrus will help when I can use it. 

Over breakfast Cordelia give me a trump deck. She want to get trumps of all of us at some point. That would be good. 

Dwarkin made most of the Trumps but Llewella makes them now Dwarkin is mad.

We headed back to the boat and something was not right. 

We meet Benedict and Llewella. Benedict is best fighter in the family and would not be a good idea for me to challenge him. Llewella is a mage like Allanon but better, (older).

  Hero of the Hour - Fane   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 20/11/2013 Last Updated 20/11/2013