The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

The Alternate Diaries of Cordelia Chan

Shadow Walking : 18th January 2004

If it hadn't been for the commotion this morning I'm not sure how late it would have been before I woke up; as it was it still felt as if I hadn't slept in days when I did. normally I would have set the alarm, at least so that I would be up and about shortly after Vialle, but in all the chaos of last night it slipped my mind.

The commotion to which I refer was caused by my nefarious bunch of visitors being unable to communicate with Vialle and she with them, not a problem I'd ever suffered. When I told her they were visitors things quietened down a little, and I managed to get Allanon to turn the lights on so that they could all see what they were doing. The pitch darkness in the bunker being of no hindrance to Vialle of course.

Forced into action I made use of the jon, getting Allanon to pour me a mug of coffee before they drank it all. I then took a shower using the cover of the screen, and water to bring up the pattern to get a better handle on exactly who my uninvited guests were. Allanon appears to be a mage as he claims although his aura is distorted by the cybernetics scattered throughout his body. It will be interesting to see what effect if any the pattern has on them. The girl, Kohaku, who I assume is Japanese both by looks and speech, has a heavy Chi signature and some strange creatures about her. I'm not really sure exactly what to make of her. Fane is a shapeshifter, although there are much stronger patterns in his aura that in Palrity's, so I assume he has greater abilities, which his statements about killing demons in hand to hand combat later in the day appear to back. And then there is  Isocrates, who appears to have no powers at all. If this Dierdre entity is telling anywhere close to the truth about what we face I can't see that any of these four or the four combine are going to make a great deal of difference.

It is a known fact that you get a phone call when its the most inconvenient for you to take it, ie in the middle of having sex, when you're in the shower, or just as you've stepped out of the towel to clothe yourself. In my case it wasn't a phone call but a Trump call, and it happened just as I was retrieving clean fatigues from under my bed.
In normal circumstances I would have not taken the call, or taken the call and continued dressing, but given the circumstances and the fact that this was the first contact I'd had with any of the family since we fled Amber, I wasn't going to take any chances with the call. It turned out to be Fiona.

Our discussions were interrupted about 30 seconds later when someone, who turned out to be Fane grabbed me, I'd just about managed to paralyse him and shut down the primal response when I felt Fiona pushing the connection. Knowing full well I didn't stand any chance of resisting her, I let her take over, gathering data as she read him like a toddlers novel. For all his other abilities he doesn't possess a very powerful mind. As she with drew control she embedded some form of engram, she constructed it too quickly for me to read exactly what it was for, although it appeared to be some form of non-aggression compulsion. I felt his arm leave mine and sensed him retreat from me. We returned to our discussions.

Fiona's call had now given me urgency of purpose, for the siege at Carnelian was going against them. Although the castle had cannon they were ineffective against the siege trenches the besiegers were in the process of digging and they needed the mortars, extra rifles, and ammunition that we'd commissioned a few months earlier, and I'd drawn the short straw in retrieving them. As I pulled the clean t-shirt on I noticed Fane sitting at the table staring, well I was still pretty much naked, and commented that it was lucky he was still alive. I was actually surprised Fiona hadn't killed him and said as much. This prompted a flurry of questions, principly from Allanon about Fiona, her allegiances and the rest of the family. I tried not to be too committal or to negative about her. I don't know whether I succeeded or not.

In my conversation with Fiona, she had given me the location in shadow of a pair of armoured articulated trucks, she had left in case of emergency. It seemed a little too convenient to me but I didn't make that observation at the time. Now whilst I could drive one I'd need somebody to drive the other. I didn't think any of the four were likely to be useful in this regard. It turned out I was right. This meant I needed another driver. Short of trying to trump somebody, which if Brand was alive definitely wasn't a good idea, there was only 1 person I could think of that would be suitable and he was 90 miles away, holed up about mid-way between the San Andreas and North Hayward fault lines. Getting to him wasn't going to be easy but it was likely my best bet.

My next challenge was going to be Isocrates, he definitely wasn't dressed for an unseasonably cold California. It was going to be double challenging as he didn't have any other clothing that that in which he stood in to wear. I finished dressing, put on my armour, and went to see what I could find, suggesting to those versed in modern technology that I'd very much appreciate breakfast when I got back. As I left the bunker, my breath steaming in the cold morning air, Mikato was waiting for me. It appears last night had been quiet and there was currently no activity within 200m of the house. I told him what I was looking for. He set off northwards and I followed.

We returned to the bunker about 45 minutes later. I'd managed to acquire 1 over-sized woolen seaman's sweater and a great coat, both of which I though would go on over what he was currently wearing. I'd also located a pair of wool mix trousers, and a pair of walking boots, which I thought should fit. It turns out the trousers were slightly too large and the boots a little tight; still they were better than what he had.

My problem on returning is that whilst Allanon had bother to sort food out for himself and the others, he'd not bothered to do make breakfast for either Vialle or I. I wasn't particularly polite in response. Breakfast over I set about finishing repacking my pack, swapping a full set of recharged cells and canisters for the exhausted ones in my helmet and armour. Given I needed to get to Hou-Jin, and there were 6 of us and neither Vialle  nor I  would be able to walk either a considerable distance or very fast I we were going to need something bigger than my 4x4. I knew where there was a transit bus parked but also that it was out of gas. That at least I could rectify. I just needed somebody to carry the jerry can. Allanon had all the hallmarks of a suitable victim, especially as Fane had volunteered to carry the queen.

The hike across to the hire yard was easier than I expected, especially with Fane carrying Vialle, and the transit bus was still where I'd seen it a few nights ago and undamaged. I retrieved the keys from their hiding place and filled the tank with the contents of the jerry can. Isocrates was fascinated to the point of getting completely in the way. 

In my haste to reach the Blue Moon Club complex I was a little to aggressive in my shadow shifting and manage to push us into a shadow where the buses engine wouldn't run. Thankfully I had sufficient momentum to move us back to a shadow where it would and I play slightly safer from that point for on, reaching the mountain road that led to the rear of the complex about 15 minutes later. Leaving the other's in the bus I ventured out, hoping that  a white flag was universally acknowledged. Thankfully it was and I was ushered inside. From the outside and approaches the whole place looked a complete mess, the top 5 floors appearing to have collapsed. Inside it was a different matter. I wasn't here for an extended visit however, and Hou-Jin reluctantly agreed to accompany me. Whilst I waited for him to organise himself, Patricia healed my leg at Marcie's request as she doesn't posses the ability as yet.

Getting back to the transit I introduced Hou-Jin to the others. There was a moment of consternation when I announced that we weren't heading for the trucks but for a riding stables to acquire horses. Hou-Jin called me a few impolite names and accused me of lying. I pointed out I hadn't lied, I just hadn't explicitly pointed out exactly how we were getting to the trucks, he'd just assumed it would be using the transit.

The riding stables was nothing special, and whilst abandoned the former occupants had at least turned the horses out into the field behind the barn. Whilst I checked on the tack Fane and Allanon went in search of the horses, returning with 3 mares. Apparently there was a fourth horse lurking at the bottom of the field. I said I'd get it if he dealt with saddling the other 3.

I returned to the yard with the recalcitrant stallion to find Fane about to ride out with Allanon and Isocrates, leaving Hou-Jin, Vialle, and Kohaku  sitting in the transit. I asked him where he was going. He said no-where but that just didn't ring true. I suggested that, whilst I saddled the stallion, they re-arrange themselves such that those who could ride would ride double with those who couldn't. Isocrates opted to ride with Kohaku, Fane with Vialle, leaving Hou-Jin to ride with me. 

We rode this way for about three quarters of an hour until I managed to locate a second school, thankfully having 3 further horses. Leaving the stables we made progress towards our destination, slowed by the fact that neither Hou-Jin, Kohaku, or Allanon could ride. We rode for 4 hours before I called a halt at a mountain stream, primarily to give the horses a break and a drink. After about half a hour I forced everyone back into the saddle, riding for about another 4 hours until I bought us to a mountain cabin prepared for our visit. By this point most were suffering from the prolonged ride. Whilst, they set about easing tired muscles, I set to making vegetable chow mien, and Fane went outside to attend to the horses.

Well that about brings us up to now. We've been here nearly 3 hours, and I estimate, based on the progess to date, we've another 4 or 5 hours until we reach the trucks, so we need to get moving again.

  Supporting Cast - Cordelia   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 19/04/2013 Last Updated 19/04/2013