The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

The Diaries of Cordelia Chan

Tor 4 Slavam Ni'Teng - Inn of the Spreading Yew - Ygg

Safe in the Inn, at least relatively, we set about the first of our needs, food and drink. With Charity in a bad way we took over one of the alcoves, so that she could lie down. All in all things hadn't gone that badly but I did need to know what had happened to my father.  Prompted by Charity I took the Jewels from my pockets and put them on the table, just a our refreshments arrived.  We ate and drank, and Charity suggested we should get the Jewels verified - she suggested calling Llewella. I was more worried about other things to take much notice at the time, but now I look back on it, it's a little out of character for her. 

Anyway the long and short of it is that Llewella arrived, verified that the Jewels were the Jewels and then departed.  Charity then retrieved Alfred, who arrived looking like cousin IT, on account he hadn't any clothes., which at least served to lighten the mood.

When Alfred reappeared, we went over the whole story again, including covering what I knew about the Jewel of Judgment. Alfred suggested we contact Dworkin, but Charity only had a card of his Palace in Undershadow and didn't fancy a physical trip there. I managed to divert the subject away by asking if anybody had seen Isla - nobody had. Charity them pulled Dierdre's Trump, whilst I sorted Brand's trump from my deck to satisfy a question Charity had asked - I knew the trump had changed even before I removed it from the deck. 

Dierdre hadn't seen Isla but was going to go off and check the Elysium shadow for her. The only other place I could think she could have gone was the Courts. I sorted my brother's trump from my deck and ignored the question from Alfred about the "Nightmare" trump in my deck. 

It took him a while to answer, and he was more than a little upset when he did. He wanted to know the in's and outs of how it had happened but I told him I wanted to know how my father was. He said he wasn't my father, but I reminded him forcefully that he was. I think I surprised him. He said he was resting and the prognosis was good. I said I'd see him within the hour, his time, and would discuss what happened then. 

Informing the others I'd located him at the Courts, I inquired whether they wished to join me. Benedict had work to do, and Charity wasn't up to it, but Alfred decided to come along. I flipped through the deck and pulled out the card for the Library in the Royal Wing - the one we'd used previously as our social gathering place. Opening the gate I ushered Albert through and then followed myself.

19 Jehni Kohn 273 Youn Gof - Royal Palace : Courts Of Chaos

I reached the door of the library the same time as the guards did, but they were rather unprepared, and a reminder of exactly who I was or for all they knew claimed to be, was more than sufficient to send them packing. Alfred wanted to know if I knew where I was going. I just ignored him and set off down the corridor. Of course I knew where I was going.

At least the guards outside my father's room recognized me. Merlin was sitting off to one side in a chair, papers scattered about him, but his mind was obviously else where. He greeted us as we entered, and I moved over to the other side of my father's  bed. Merlin and I aren't yet on hugging terms although we're now working on it. It's very strange to discover that after 30 years you have a half-brother born 7 years after you, who's now older than you and who's also King of the Courts of Chaos. I suspect it is similar for him, although having been brought up in the Courts he's probably more used to the paradox.

Alfred remained by the door as  I checked my father over. From the way his chest was strapped he had obviously sustained  several broken ribs. Bandages on his abdomen and right shoulder indicated he'd taken severe cutting wounds to both locations. The monitor showed his breathing and heartbeat to be regular and stable. 

Alfred had now managed to get the hint that we wanted to be alone and excused himself, leaving a strained silence in the wake of the closing door.  I found a chair and slumped down in it. That signaled Merlin to re-iterate his accusation "You bloody well nearly got him killed you know". "No I didn't - he volunteered to come. We all knew the risks" I retorted. Our father stirred.

"Look I'm Sorry. I found I had a father only to have him yanked away and imprisoned as a weapon to force me into doing several parties bidding. When he said he was needed again on a job he couldn't tell me about then I feared the worst.. The fact that I then discovered you existed only for you to get yourself damn near killed and then you both go and try and get yourself killed, all on top of this damned war means I'm a little frayed ok"

I got out of the chair and went and hugged him - an awkward sort of hug but it did break the atmosphere. "Look the raid on the Keep was necessary. There are things that have been happening to me as a result of my harboring the Phoenix and Brand attempting to escape Rodian using my sword.  Its a long story but the upshot is that I was the only one who could retrieve the three Jewels and I had to be in the gate room in the Keep to do it. We knew after their last  visit they would up the guard but these Rodian demons are still a largely unknown quantity, especially what appears to be an ability to stop time in a localized area. Unfortunately, our father gated in right next to three of them, and  " I'd started crying at that point  resulting in a more genuine hug and a "I think we'll need to go over this in stages" from Merlin.

Which is what we did at least in outline. Merlin wanted Mandor's and Isla's input so we made our way down to his quarters only to be informed that he'd gone to the library looking for Alfred. As we made our way through the hallways we bumped into Hinkin, who was most pleased to see me and wanted to know if I was staying - I said most likely for a few days, and Merlin sent him off to organize a suite for me and fetch Isla. 

By the time we arrived at the library servants were clearing away the remains of a meal. Mandor, anticipating that we might be hungry ordered fresh tea and coffee, and a top up of the cake stand - although that was more than enough there already.. Obviously Alfred had finished discussing whatever it was he'd been talking to Mandor about  because when I asked if he was planning on staying he took it as a signal we wanted him to leave. Merlin assured him it wasn't, just wanting to know if he should have another guest room made up, but he said he need to get back to Ygg, drew the relevant trump and disappeared.

The servants then arrived with  the tea and cakes, at which point Mandor asked if I was planning on depositing armour flakes all over the Courts. To be honest I hadn't thought about it. I started to remove it, causing more of it to flake off - I'd been lucky at little closer or longer in the fire ball and I'd have joined Charity in the "Miss Crispy" contest. Seeing the state of my jump suit Merlin sent the servant's off for some clean clothes and screen - he'd heard a story about me stripping off in the Inn of the Spreading Yew and wasn't particularly inclined to witness a repeat lest it put him off his cakes - for which he got chased round the library for five minutes, by which time Hinkin had returned with clothes and a couple of servants carrying a screen.

Mandor, ushered Hinkin out as I moved behind the screen to change.  I have to admit I was a little intrigued with Hinkin's choice of clothing. He'd picked out a mid-thigh length figure hugging Chinese style dress in my size which meat it was tight across my hips and bust. To go with this there was a nice silk jacket and a pair of Chinese slippers. He'd also included a sash allowing me to carry my sword but had neglected to provide me with any underwear. I had a choice - I could either not change, change and spoil the lines of the dress by keeping my existing underwear on or change into the outfit as provided.

.The problem with changing into clean clothes is  that it revealed exactly how much in need of a bath I was, but that would have to wait. I tied the sash round my waist , picked up my sword, the jacket and slippers, and moved from behind the screen. I could see the cogs whirring in both their heads as they tried to decide whether I was or was not.  I put  the jacket and sword down and moved to grab a coffee and a plate of cakes. This was the cue for Isla to arrive, who on seeing what I was wearing gave me one of her disapproving stares. At least her arrival prompted Merlin to bring up the matter at hand.

It took the best part of three hours for Isla and I to relate the story. This time I managed not to break down when it came to describing the fight or at least what I'd actually done and what other details I'd managed to glean from the others. Isla could throw less light on things than I could as it seems she'd been frozen for longer than the rest of us. This possibly indicates that some of  the Rodian Demons may be able to freeze time for longer periods than others, or that she was hit with multiple effects which compound or run concurrently.

By this point I was actually starting to feel tired and needed a break. I also didn't want Isla around when we discussed the details pertaining to the exact events on the night when Brand released Rodian - I'd managed to successfully leave that part out of the story.  I was glad therefore when Merlin called a halt, suggesting we continued the following morning. He said he had some state affairs that he needed to deal with first and would send word when he was available.  Taking  his cue I left to find Hinkin and a bath, although not necessarily in that order.

In fact it was Hinkin who found me first. I was about three quarters of the way to my quarters when he appeared from what appeared to be nowhere accompanied by two other young nobles. One I'd seen before and was a member of the group that had been hanging about where ever I went last time I was here. The other was new, at least to me, and was quite handsome at least for a demon.  Hinkin greeted me by hugging me, kissing me on both cheeks, and sliding his hand down over my arse.  He then turned to the other two and said - "Told you she wouldn't now hand it over." The one who I'd seen before then said, "Sorry she has to prove it", at which point I'd had enough. "Somebody had better explain whats going on before I start banging heads together".

The handsome one took half a step back and turned sideways to avoid my glare. Hinkin sort of looked sheepish, but the other one said "Hinkin here reckons you're a bit tasty, so we bet him you'd not walk about in just the dress, as human women don't have the balls and are prudish about their sexual organs.". I told him he'd better pay up but he wouldn't have it and I wasn't going to strip off for their benefit.  This presented a problem  since no matter how furious I was with Hinkin, he was a useful friend to have here, and if he won the bet he'd owe me big time. 

"I take it  you'll accept the word of your partner in crime" I said pointing at his compatriot, who blushed - I didn't realize demons could blush. 

"Well he's not actually involved in this". 

I cut him off. "Yes or No?". 

"Yes. I suppose so?" 

"Good he can come with me then. Hinkin I'll see you as well"

I turned and marched in the direction of my quarters. Behind me I heard a commotion then the sound of running feet. When I reached my quarters I  went through to the bedroom and dropped the sword and jacket on the bed , then returned to see the other two had entered behind me. "Out! This is not a strip show for your delectation. You stand on the other side of the sofa  and Hinkin you can stand beside him. When he has confirmed what he needs to confirm you can show him out and then you can come and wash my back." They stood as directed and I walked into the bedroom. This placed a doorway and 20 feet between us. Confirming they were watching and with my back to them I took off the dress, letting it drop to the floor. 

I stood there for about a minute then walked out of site. Behind me I heard a door shutting.  I turned on the bath taps , then looked up to see Hinkin standing in the door way. "You don't have to stand there. You've seen me naked before. Now get over here where I can talk to you. You can start by telling me who your young friend is."

So I had my bath, and a full massage, and Hinkin told me about Sintria Minobe, the third son of Tankara and  Yolenta Minobe the third most powerful of the Minobe houses.  Under Minobe inheritance rules he was now heir despite having  two older sisters, and on older brother who was still alive. Apparently the older brother - had committed a crime against the family and been dis-inherited  whilst the other brother had been killed in the war. Rumour had it that he'd been seeing a young lady from the Jesby family but she'd ended the relationship as it wasn't happening physically.

  Supporting Cast - Cordelia   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 05/04/2006 Last Updated 20/03/2013