The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

The Diaries of Cordelia Chan

I wasn't in a hurry and I also didn't really want to return to Amber just yet. What I needed to do was say goodbye to some people.

The walk to the grove where Stands-Tall-Against-Storm and the others lived was unremarkable. Life appeared to be returning to normal after the events of the last 24 hours. There was also a noticable improvement in the general atmosphere on the street and a marked change to the grove. Gone was the ramshackle tepee and in its place 3 new ones had appeared. There were also new cooking pots, mugs and bowls, and sleeping furs. The girls also had new dresses and all now wore necklaces like the rest of the native women. Their status had obviously changed markedly as well. 

Whilst they were obviously pleased to see me their main concern was with the where abouts of Stands-Tall-Against-Storm and Guides-Traveller-Seeking. I said I didn't know, but that they'd left the embassy ahead of me. Further discussion was curtailed by their arrival amidst what is best described as a throng. Guides-Traveler-Seeking was carried on a litter whilst Stands-Tall-Against-Storm and Yousheng where both carried shoulder height on pole seats. 

It took several minutes before Stands-Tall-Against-Storm could disentangle herself from the throng and come over. She had tears in her eyes and hugged me. "Thankyou" 

I was a little stunned. "What for? If anything I should be apologizing for the way you've been treated for the last 24 hours." She hugged me again.

"That is nothing. We are now free again and you saved Guides-Traveler-Seeking. Everything else is wind through the trees." 

"Which one is she?" 

Stands-Tall-Against-Storm looked at me for a minute then burst out laughing. "You made a joke." 

I smiled and hugged her again. Yousheng stood off to one side. I released Stands-Tall-Against-Storm then walked over and embarassed him by hugging him. "Are you okay?" 

"I shall recover. You survived the leap from the window then and saved the Guides-Traveler-Seeking." 

"Yes, although not without help. I have several things I need to ask you though." 

"Perhaps we should sit somewhere." 

"Why don't we join Stands-Tall-Against-Storm? This may affect her as well." 

He looed at me as if some great weight had just been lifted. I walked over and he followed. Stands-Tall-Against-Storm looked up as we approached and made to stand. I motioned her to remain seated and sat down to her left. Yousheng sat on her right. "If I read things correctly you've had enough of travelling for a while." 

Yousheng opened his mouth to speak. "Let me finish before you say anything. You have been a fine companion and you have done me great service, much of which would be considered beyond the call of duty, especially of late. If you wished to continue then I would have no objection, but things have changed greatly in the last few days, not the least of which you are about to become a husband and father." 

Stands-Tall-Against-Storm blushed deeply then opened her mouth in surprise. 

Yousheng made to speak again. 

"No. I haven't finished yet, and no Stands-Tall-Against-Storms is not pregnant yet, but there are two other girls that are and one of those also wants you as a husband. Now with all this new responsibilty you're going to need a stable job and a suitable income and as it happens a vacancy has recently become available, and I can think of no better man for the job. Several others in the family agree, so it is yours if you want it. Of course the embassy will need to be rebuilt. Something in an oriental theme wouldn't be out of place. Actually it would be an improvement. So what do you think?" 

He opened and then shut his mouth. Stands-Tall-Against-Storm looked at him, then at me in disbelief. "You would do this?" 

"It's for the most part already done. All you have to do is say yes. The rest I can do tonight, but you will both have to come to the ball in Amber, along with Wind-Through-Moonbeams. 
Lightsup-Nightsky and Guides-Traveler-Seeking have different paths, infact Guides-Traveler-Seeking will take your brother as a husband and father for Red-Stags-Takes-Hinds' son." 

There were more stunned reactions. "Don't ask how I know just accept that I do." 

Yousheng and Stands-Tall-Against-Storm were watching each other, tears forming in her eyes. Yousheng pulled her to him. "Please don't cry. I'm not going anywhere" 

She looked at him again, laughing through her tears. "I know, it's just I didn't expect this. You're happy with this?" 

"It is difficult to say and more far more I have any right to expect." 

I cut him off. "Don't dishonour me or your name by turning it down. This is far less than you deserve and you'll end up working far harder than you think. It's poor compensation for what you've done. So as it's settled we need to make arrangements here, go and collect our belongings and Wind-Through-Moonbeams from our lodgings and get back to Amber. I then need to sort you out dresses and see about teaching you how to dance." 

Stands-Tall-Against-Storm developed the stunned look of one about to fall off a 10,000 foot cliff. 

"I did say it was going to be hard work. Now I'm going to say goodbye to Guides-Traveler-Seeking and then I'm going to our lodgings. I'll expect you there in an hour and a half?" They looked at each other. "Make it two then." They both blushed as I stood up.

When I reached the lodgings I had to repeat the story of what happened, then as word spread of my presence, found I had to retell it twice more. When Yousheng and Stands-Tall-Against-Storm arrived, there was another mass celebration. I used the opportunity have a word with Wind-Through-Moonbeams, then had to explain to her mother why she was crying.

With Yousheng and Stands-Tall-Against-Storm still engaged I decide to trump Vialle, not knowing exactly how things in Amber were. She wasn't surprised by my call, almost as if she'd been execting it, and I found myself telling her everything that had happened since I'd called her this morning. The upshot was I was to call her back when we were ready to depart as this was easier than her trying to sort out the guard at the Courtyard.

It took a further three quarters of an hour for people to drift away and for Yousheng, Stands-Tall-Against-Storm, and Wind-Through-Moonbeams to sort themselves out. Neither of the girls had much luggage and of the two Stands-Tall-Against-Storm had the least. I was going to have some sorting out to do when we got to Amber. I called Vialle and she created the necessary gate. Yousheng went first, then Stands-Tall-Against-Storm, and then Wind-Through-Moonbeams. As I stepped through Vialle closed the gate.

Looking about I realised we were in one of the guest suites, maids were on hand, and a couple of footmen were in the process of moving Youshengs things from his current quarters. When he tried to protest, Vialle did point out that as she was infact Queen she could quarter him anywhere she liked, and that his former quarters would be more than a little cramped with the three of them, and it was probable that his new wives, he shot me a sideway look, would probably prefer a bath in their quarters rather than having to dash naked through corridors, although it didn't appear to stop me. I blushed. Vialle then left, complaining about things to do, and pointing out that as they were my guests I would be responsible for sorting out their requirements. There was also a specific instruction that were were to arrive exactly half an hour late and that she would ensure that we were announced appropriately. I was about to enquire what she meant when she pointed out that I had guests to see to and they appeared to need suitable attire, which translated as "Matter closed. You'll have to wait to find out."

It took me most of the next hour to sort out evening  wear for the two of them. Stands-Tall-Against-Storm was the easier to source clothes for as she is exactly the same size as me, it was just a matter of finding a style she was comfortable with.  Wind-Through-Moonbeams was more difficult in that she is shorter than me and has a bigger bust. She was also more conservative in what she was prepared to wear.  In the end they both returned to their room, acompanied by maids who'd been given specific instructions to ensure everything ran smoothly. Left to my own devices I wallowed in the bath for and hour before deciding to put pen to paper. To me that's the only down side about being in Amber, not only to guns not work, but all electrical and electronic devices, including ruggedized laptops fail to work as well.

  Supporting Cast - Cordelia   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 29/04/2008 Last Updated 20/03/2013