The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

The Diaries of Cordelia Chan

Amber - 1 st Maivich PF5

To say that the last few hours have been interesting would be an understatement. Normally I'd leave things until the early hours of the morning before putting pen to paper but with the ball starting in less than an hour it is either do it now or leave it until tommorrow night.

After I'd finished my last entry I realised I needed somebody to talk to. The problem was I couldn't immediately think of anybody. Isla and I were so worlds apart as not to be in the same universe, and Archie, well Archie was just Archie,  and completely useless. Of most of the rest of the family I knew very little. That left two choices Florimel or Vialle. Talking to Florimel about family politics would be like making tea in a chocolate teapot. That left Vialle, I thumbed her card from the deck and put it on the table, picked it up and put it down again. I'd done this half a dozen times when I felt the tingle anouncing an incoming trump call. I thumbed through the deck getting no reaction. I repeated the process. Still nothing. Vialle's card was still on the table. I picked it up and it went cold.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting, well actually I was about to call you."

"I suspected you might. I take it Llewella called you after my husband did."

"Yes. I take it you're using her card like Random did."

"Ah no. Llewella and Fiona aren't the only members of the family capable of creating trumps. In fact my husband has no idea I'm talking to you now. I assume he made a string of threats. Your hanging up on him, which I have to say came as something of  a surprise, only served to make him angrier. I believe he even threw his coffee cup at one of the servants, and Fiona hasn't been seen this morning, which isn't helping his temper."

I let an mental "Oh" but there must have been more in the sidebands as Vialle responded with "Argh, so he threatened to set Fiona on you did he. It seems he never learns. Fiona would only come after you if she could gain by it, and since she knows exactly where you are it wouldn't take her very long to fetch you ."

"No she doesn't"

"Now you know that's not true. You didn't use the pattern to get there as it would have taken you too long, so Fiona created you a trump and you used it to get there. And before you try to deny it, using trump like using the pattern leaves residue, especially when you create a trump. If you're sufficiently adept you can detect the residue and identify the perpitrator. Fiona has a very clinical style, which is why Llewella has taken over the job of creating cards for the family since Dworkin became unstable, she's much more of an artist. To create good trumps, at least of people, you need to feel your work. However, I didn't call you to discuss the finer points of Trump creation. Llewella is a good teacher, you'll learn a lot from her.
I'm rambling again. Have you decided on your next move?"

"I think so, that's what I wanted to talk about. Llewella as arranged with Gerrard for me to get back to Dakota, which I don't have any problem with. But I'm then supposed to trump Fiona and return to Amber via her rather than use the courtyard trump"

"I can see the logic in that. Using the courtyard trump at the moment would not be a good idea. But that's not where your problem lies is it; you don't trust Fiona's motives."

"No I don't she's played games with my head before, and Llewella warned me in the past how dangerous trump can be."

"Yes I can see your dilema. You could of course call Benedict or should you wish you could call me."

"The thought had occurred to me."

"Why don't you trump Gerard and finish what you need to do in Dakota, and leave making a decision until you've got that out of the way."

"Okay. I'll speak to you later."

Having resolved my dilema, I returned to Guides-Traveler-Seeking's ward, where she was already dressed and waiting to go. "Ah. I see you're ready. Sorry for the delay, but things got a little complicated, but I think its all sorted, and I can now get you back to Dakota. I'm going to have to make a trump call. The person at the other end will create a gateway. He'll then reach through, when he does, I want you to take his hand and step through, I'll follow you a couple of second later. We can then find out exactly what has happened since we've been gone and straighten out the remaining mess. Happy?"

"I'm not sure I understand half of what you've just said, but I'd like to go home. This place is just too strange and doesn't feel right. Just tell me what I need to do and when I need to do it."

I turned to Jezx. "Thank your uncle and grandfather for me. If you could return the Militia armour I'd be grateful. I'll bring you a souvenir next time I'm in town."

She hugged me and I pulled Gerard's trump from the deck. "Okay time to go." 

Guides-Traveler-Seeking got off the bed, but she was a little unsteady on her feet and I had to support her, whilst I made the call to Gerard. Despite him supposedly expecting my call he took a while to answer. He was somewhat short but opened the link just the same. I directed Guides-Traveler-Seeking to step through, but Gerard didn't offer her any help when she stumbled and fell. It was left to me to help her back to her feet. As I did so I took in my surroundings. We were obviously in one of the suites in one wing of the embassy. Stands-Tall-Against-Shadows and Yousheng were restrained in chairs. Two Royal Guard stood to either side of the entry doors, and two more by one of the doors which led into a side room. The smell of charred timber hung in the air.

"You could give me a hand." "Not until both you and they explain yourselves, and you deal with the mob in the grounds. The sooner the detachement of Royal Guard get here the better" I helped Guides-Traveler-Seeking into a chair and moved to one of the broken windows facing to entry courtyard, having to dive sideways to avoid the half dozen arrows that pierced the space I'd just vacated. I could hear Gerard laughing in the background. I moved in Stands-Tall-Against-Storms direction, but was intercepted by Gerard. "What do you think you're doing?" "Sorting this mess out. Now get your hands off me." "Or you'll do what?" I twisted in a normaly hold breaking move and managed to half complete it before pain shot through my arm. Gerard stood there impassively not even breaking sweat as he held my now twisted arm in his hand. "Very stupid. And don't think of doing anything else or I'll snap it." He gave me a gentle shove and sent me flying across the room. It was about all I could do to roll back to my feet. I stood up and massaged my arm, glaring at him in the process. "If you want this resolved then you'll let me release Stands-Tall-Against-Storm. Otherwise we can sit here till Random gets sufficiently pissed to come here himself. The rate things are going, that'll be in about 3 hours." "She's not going anywhere until I get an explanation, and neither are you." For such a big man he was remarkably quick, and it was only the distance between us and my diving roll that enable me to avoid his arm. I backed round the room putting as much distance as I could between us. He started to circle. I moved to my left but he cut off that direction. I had two options, the corner or the window, not an enticing option as we were on the first floor. He noted my glance and stopped. "Give it up Cordelia. You've got no where to go." "Really?" I edged closer to the window. "You wouldn't dare, you'll break your neck" "Care to put it to the test? Care to explain that one?" He twitched. I lept. Over to my far left two people screamed. Wood splintered and what remained of the glass shattered. Then there was nothing but clean air. I began to fall. I tucked up into a ball and began to tumble.

There was a screech behind me, then multiple sharp pains as something dug into my shoulders. My fall slowed but the descent continued, then I was falling once more. I rolled and came to my feet an Eagle Owl gliding to the wall surrounding the compond. I could feel blood running down my back and arms where the talons had dug in. I turned and looked back at the window; Gerard was standing there a defiant look on his face.

When I turned back the Eagle Owl had gone. I made my way towards where I'd last seen it. Passing through a couple of hegdes, I found Crys-Like-Owls and half a dozen warriors, seated around a small fire. "I apologize for you injuries. What news is it that you throw yourself from high places and risk death or injury." I took off my jacket, and undid the top of the jumpsuit. Sticky blood continued to trickle down my back and arms but the flow was beginning to slow as it started to coagulate. "Gerard thinks he's in charge but is being a pig headed fool. Guides-Traveler-Seeking is inside with Stands-Tall-Against-Storm and Yousheng. They're unharmed, and Guides-Traveler-Seeking will be back to normal with a few days rest." "You were sucessful then. That is good. What step do we make now?" "I don't know. Your help changes things a little. I think we wait." "We should go where it is more comfortable then and have your wounds treated. We have fresh coffee." "Good. I could use one right now." I followed Crys-Like-Owls through the gardens, passed the burnt out remains of the barracks, guardshouse, stables, and entire rear of the building. Gerard was holed up in what remained of the East wing, although even that wasn't in brilliant condition. I asked Crys-Like-Owls what they were planning on doing. He said "Nothing. We keep Mighty-Ox where he is and wait for King of Amber. Now we have best hand in Trade pact. He should have left alone. You had all aces. Now all gone and we have full house" at which point he burst out laughing. I smiled in return.

After a few minutes we arrived at what appeared to be a grove similar in nature to that which Red-Stag-Takes-Hinds had called home. Two teepes stood in the clearing and a fire burned in front of both. Elders and Medicine men were seated around it, whilst on a seperate fire to one side the women prepared food. One of the girls, who I recognised as one of the unnamed, bearing a beaker of coffee in each hand. She handed me mine first then Crys-Like-Owls his. He directed me to one of the Teepees. "We will deal with your wounds first. He turned to the girl, "Fetch Bears-Thunderbirds-Claws-by-Moon-Shadow a new dress." When I started to protest he put his fingers on my lips, "You would dishonour us by refusing a gift?", I shook my head. "Good. Now let us see to you wounds."

It was about 10 minutes later, with Crys-Like-Owls rubbing some form of ointment into the wounds whilst constatly singing, that I felt the tingle of a trump contact. I shut it out. I wasn't going to fall for that one. After Gerard I had no wish to speak to anyone. Crys-Like-Owls was right, this was going to take Random to sort out and he couldn't do it at arms length anymore.

Another 10 minutes passed before there were any further developments. This time it was a demand from Gerard, who wanted to see me. I strapped the sword across my back and made my way to the side of the wing from which I had exited via the window. When he demanded I answer Fiona's trump I asked him if he thought I was really that stupid. When he called me a "disrepectful young whelp" I challeneged him to come down and do something about it. He chose not to. I left after telling him that if Fiona wanted to talk to me she could "bloody well come here and do it face to face". He didn't appear very happy. I had the feeling somebody was going to cop it for making him appear stupid and I was going to do everything in my power to ensure it wasn't me.

It was half an hour later before anything else happened, and this time the shit really hit the fan, and this time I was escorted into Random's presence by Fiona. Yousheg and Stands-Tall-Against-Storm had been freed from their restratints although they were still sitting off to one side, near Guides-Traveler-Seeking who seemed to be asleep. Gerard simply glared at me. Fiona pushed me into a chair. Fighting her would have been futile so I hadn't. She sat down a little way away. Random got out of his chair and walked over. I knew what was coming. He raised his hand. I refused to react, if he took that step then he'd lost. In that moment he realised it too. "Damn you Cordelia. I gave you a job to do. Why couldn't you just do  what you were asked to do. Now I've got one hell of a bloody mess to clear up, all because you can't do a simple bloody job."

I said nothing.  "Damn you. Arn't you going to say anything, no justification, no defense, no because."

I still said nothing. He turned and struck. I heard Fiona's sharp intake of breath, and Gerard's bellow. I rolled to my feet as his fist struck the back of the chair. I turned to Stand-Tall-Against-Storm. "You can leave now. Take Guides-Traveler-Seeking with you. Yousheng go with them. I'll see you at the lodgings later. Tell Crys-Like-Owls and the other Elders they should come up now." 

They looked at Fiona. She nodded.

I moved to the chair Stands-Tall-Against-Storm had been sitting in. "Try that again and I'll kill you. You fucked up when you sent Gerard in. The situation was competely under control. Now, now I haven't got a fucking clue, so I'm going to get my stuff and go. What happens after that I don't know, but know this I don't make idle threats and you owe me big time." I picked up my pack from beside the chair where I'd left Guides-Traveler-Seeking and followed the others out.


  Supporting Cast - Cordelia   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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