The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Allanon Silver

Allanon's Diary

Date: 26/08/2150 Location: Black Tower

I really wish to learn how to identify the parameters to casting in a shadow quicker. At my current state it takes me some time, even in shadows where magic is very potent. 

I asked Deidra for some guidance on this matter but was only able to indicate that the pattern would be able to show me if I get proficient enough with it. 

After some considerable debating our options, we decided that going to castle amber would be the easiest and quickest way to start our search for the necessary items. Cordelia didn't seem to care much about what we were after but more on what our intentions were and why we would want to go there. 

It also looked like Cordelia had her own reasons for going to Castle Amber, I am very curious to knowing what it is she is after in the castle. A weapon? A book? Hmm, I should keep an eye out for what it is she is after. 

After our meal I decided to retire to my room and study some magic, I wish to get the main applications for my clock spell working before we reach amber, though this might be a bit difficult. Either way I must endure and succeed, as if Amber is truly overrun by brands forces, we will need a way to get in without being seen or detected. 

The incursion occurred several hours later and we were transported to a bar. The room was frozen like all other times. 

The door was luckily open, as we would need to leave before the incursion finished as I'm sure several people appearing out of nowhere would startle the staff and customers. 

As we were leaving I noticed that there was a stone plaque around the door. It seemed to have the carving of a unicorn. Cordelia explained that the Unicorn was worshiped here and had its own shrine dedicated to it. Even more surprising there were several shrines dedicated to the unicorn across several shadows. 

I wonder if any of those places of worship know any details about the unicorn and how to summon it. It may be worth pursuing if nothing comes from the search of Dorkings quarters. My classes in high school religious studies did mention something about how fanatics would try strange rituals and sacrifices to summon gods and other sorts of mythical beasts, maybe these shrines may know of a feasible method! 

On another note, our companion Kohaku is far too innocent and naive, she seems to have come from a world that does not know about entertainment houses/brothels. This naivety could cause some unforeseeable consequences. Not that I'm one to talk, I should have been more careful with leaving the castle as it likely caused the demons to know of its presence. Cordelia was quick to inform me of my mistake. 

It reminded me of the time I got lectured by Master Syphadeus for my recklessness during my training in how to use other casters spells that they have prepared. 

I wonder how everyone in my world are doing. I pray for my farthers safety and that of my friends. I also hope the mages guild is in one piece but for more objective reasons, there are still many important texts and useful magical items there that would be useful right now. 

We walked through some alleys to reach the docks where we most likely would be taking a ship of some sorts. During the walk, I found out a bit more about Cordelia. Seems she weren't the spoilt princess that some might think. Apparently she came here for her first assignment, an assassin/mercenary I suspect as she only described it as being a trouble shooter. 

Well this at least gave me insight into part of her attitude, she was likely good at her job which inevitably has made her confidant in her ability, if not aggrogant. I suspect she had to be doing these jobs alone or under limited backup and therefore has gotten used to the idea of getting the job done on her own, where others only slow her down. 

I guess she most likely thinks we are in her way, but decides to keep us for the time being as we may be useful in some way. 

I also learnt a bit more about the siege, and how Brand most likely has his eye on Rebma as they have the only sizeable army nearby to defend and march against Brand. 

Cordelia also decided to divulge a small amount of detail about how the pattern can be imbued into items, one such application was Corwin's sword. I wonder what that does to the item? 

Cordelia went on ahead to speak to the captain of the ship. After a few minutes she returns telling us to board and how this ship would be sailing us to amber. 

Date: 03/09/2150 Location: Boat 

On the boat, I practiced pattern defense and other pattern based abilities as well as studying my spellbook to learn that damn cloak spell, I was starting to get a basic understanding at this point of the spell and its parameters. 

Another incursion occurred, except this time I felt id try and study the world a bit more, using the pattern to study the parameters it looked as if an extra row of parameters had been added and the rest had been squashed. I wonder, is this how the shadow truly is or is the non-incursion version of shadows the real version of the shadow? Apart from this, I noticed how the other parameters looked dimmer as if something is missing, like a bulb loosing its light but still working. 

04/09/2150 Location: Boat 

During the hours of the day I split my time between practicing applications of the pattern and studying my spellbook to learn the cloak spell. 

05/09/2150 Location: Boat 

The next day was also spent practicing pattern based abilities and studding my magic. Except this time the boat stops moving, looks like we have docked. Soon after Cordelia shows up explaining to us to stay here and stay out of sight. She said she was going to a nearby town that does not like Amberites. I offer my assistance but she rudely remarks she didn't want any hindrances. 

Her attitude is starting to piss me off, if she really regards us as a hindrance than why does she even bother trying to keep us together or even help us. I know I've made my mistakes, but that is no reason for her to regard us with little respect. I can only suspect that she sees most of the party in the same way. 

p.s. In a strange way her attitude, confidence and big headed demeanor reminds me a bit of Fane. I guess they are alike in some regards. 

So I went back to my studies, after a few hours again, I heard a lot of commotion toward the deck. I naturally went to investigate fearing Brand had found us or we were being attacked by demons. Once I found out what the commotion was about I weren't sure if I should have been glad or unhappy that it weren't demons. 

Looks like Cordelia was caught by the city people and was chased out, there must have been at least 70 men armed and ready to kill anyone associated to the Amberites. 

Cordelia explained a man by the name Ronaldo, his wife and Nadia the royal advisor had all been killed. Me and Kohaku question Cordelia about these 3 people and their relationship to Cordelia and Amber royal family and their importance. 

I also found out a fair bit of detail about Luke, and how he was a physical manifestation of his pattern ghost. How odd! I did not even begin to think that was possible. After our discussion, I leave Cordelia to ready the men for the remainder of the trip to the castle docks. I decide to take the opportunity to continue my pattern training. 

06/09/2150 Location: Boat 

At the later parts of this day I realized we had not been hellriding, therefore this must mean we are in the right shadow for amber. Knowing this I begin preparing my spells, I must make sure I have all the necessary spells ready as we could find ourselves in some reasonable amount of trouble.

  Hero of the Hour - Allanon   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 19/06/2013 Last Updated 19/06/2013