The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Allanon Silver

Allanon's Diary

30/08/2150 (continued) Castle Carnelia (My Room)

The rest of the day was spent unproductivly, I was able to mind walk the pattern within 7 and a half minutes and no longer able to make further progress.

In my attept to use the pattern as a power source, i tried to pull the pattern into myself and have it rest within me in a similar fashion as my internal lacrima.

But alas nothing seemed to happen. I will continue to try and practice and experiment with what I can do with the pattern.

I decided at this point it would be best to try and get some help from Finoa, personally I didnt want to talk to cordelia and childish as it may be I want to supprise her with my progress.

Unfortunatly cordelia was in the pattern and not fiona, in fact fiona was no where to be seen. I can only guess she has gone to rest and cordelia is filling in for her temporary.

I did not want to talk to her, for personal reasons as well as I didnt see any other option.

Cordelia wasnt too concerned or impressed with my progress, damn her. But she suggested that I go outside the castle walls and practice reading the parameters of this shadow.

So I did as she suggested and tried to get outside. unfortunatly the main gate was closed due to the demons so I guess I would have to go through the crevice.

Unfortunatly I could not get outside from the crevice as there were several demons waiting there, I guess using the light spell was a bad idea as it most likely gave me away. I should have simply stuck with using En, that would have been sufficient to getting me through in the dark and would have warned me about anything outside as well.

I tried to ask cordelia how to get outside, knowing full well my mistake, but I guess there not much i can do about it today, I will rest up and call it an early day.

31/08/2150 Location: Black Tower

I woke up early, and as promised I would do my daily morning training. a bit of jogging and some physical exercise to get me ready and active.

After an hour of training Ii took a shower and went to the mess hall to have breakfast. I decided to have some poridge and fruit, to keep a healthy diet as I would normally have had in the military.

As I was going to the mess hall I noticed Isokretes had already begun physically walking it and with Cordelia still in the middle.

He must have some questions for her. After breakfast I saw Isokretes had gone, so I decided the quickest way to learn what he wanted and where he was, if he wanted to do some sparing, was to ask cordelia.

She mentioned how he decided to go to the black tower, but she didnt have time to explain to him to appear just outside the tower.

Therefore I decided to follow Cordelias suggestion and see our troublesome friend. Now that I think about it I've not seen Kohaku for several days, she might have gone to the black tower as well.

Upon arival, I looked around the tower and found a staircase leading to the top of the tower where I saw that glorious blue gem.

It was indeed glorious and somewhat mesmerising, though i had more pressing matters at hand, I needed a way to get into the tower. I felt like a lost school child who had lost his house keys, this was embarassing, maybe I should have just teleported inside the tower. But now was not the time to ponder whether I made the right choice to appear outside the tower.

I touched the gem, which only sent me flying and almost to my death. If it hadnt been for my hightened reflex's I might not have been able to catch the ledge in time. personally climbing back up would have been a cinch but I felt it be easier and more efficient to just simply fly so I tried a fly spell and to my supprise I could cast it.

I flew around the tower but unable to find any enterance. I tried to force my way in by hitting the wall with a lightening bolt and fireball but again no luck, it seems these walls are made of harder and more nedurable substnace than normal.

After flying a bit further i noticed that there was some strange pentagram. The pentagram looked slightly different to the one Deidra was on, but I somehow can't put my finger on what about it was different.

I decided as im not getting anywhere I would study the shadow through the pattern to see these parameters.

When I looked through the pattern, I could see several almost glowing symbolic things around certain objects and features. such as the sky has some odd symbol, I guess these are the parameters and i would guess changing the parameters would take me to another shadow. For the time being I will hold off from this and call it an early night.

  Hero of the Hour - Allanon   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 05/06/2013 Last Updated 05/06/2013