The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Allanon Silver

Allanon's Diary

Date: 13/09/2150 Location: Castle Carnelian

I'm starting to think the world likes me to cause more problems then help, but then it might have been for the better.

To clarify, I was supposed to help Luke with fetching supplies that the castle would need, but instead I managed to miss the arranged time and spent the entire duration talking to Llewella, who could only tell me that I need to practice my pattern abilities much more.

That at least set a goal towards what I need to do for the time being, she also gave me some advise on another application for the pattern but by her description would be extremely difficult for me with my current level of expertise.

So for the remainder of the day I practised using the pattern to protect me against physical and magical effects.

Date:  14/09/2150 Location: Castle Carnelian

Today was more trouble then it was worth.

Honestly, Kohakus little yellow pet was a right rotten piece of work. Even though it was under Kohakus orders to shock me when I had the pattern defence up, it decided to try again once it ran to the side of me. Those shocks really hurt, I can see how they were able to dispatch those demons with such little effort.

From the damage I took from the shocks I recon each bolt is as powerful as my Nova or Chain Lightening spells.

I suspect the wolf like creature she can summon is equal in strength or stronger, its physic seems to indicate that it would be more physically stronger, but perhaps not as quick as the yellow one.

Also Daemon was up and to his usual antics, I wanted to get a reasonable weapon for him but it didn't look like that was going to be possible as the armoury only equipped powder based guns.

Therefore I resumed my training and went to bed.

Date: 26/08/2150 Location: Castle 15/09/2150 Location: ??

Finally we were able to catch up to the others today.

This was a considerable detour to our route, but not one without reward. I did learn a considerable amount about what I need to practice and about the potential power of Kohakus creatures.

But I learnt even more today, it was fantastic. I had heard of such methods used by other mages who would unite their power and simultaneously cast a spell to quicken the casting of a spell.

I knew of the basics, but I had never attempted in with others who knew nothing about magic. As a result I was able to use their power but I was also able to discover many other things.

For example, while we had our hands connected, I was able to sense everyone's energy and use it freely, or at least I presume they weren't holding any resistance to stop me from using their energy. I was also able to discern who were the most powerful.

In order of rank, roughly:

  1. Cordelia
  2. Kohaku
  3. Me + Sorcha
  4. Fane + Daemon

Despite Fanes incredible physical abilities, he was surprisingly weak. In fact his main strength was his incredible endurance.

The others I weren't too surprised at apart from Kohaku who had some considerable power. I wonder if taming those creatures requires considerable energy to maintain/control?

It would not be beyond my understanding, I have seen many mages create or even summon magical creatures which requires mental endurance and energy to maintain in our world.

If I took that into consideration, I could surmise that her creatures also require a similar energy to maintain a presence in our world or require the energy as a form of food as I have never seen her feed the creatures before.

Cordelia and Sorchas energy I presume is a matter of experience with these higher powers that I have not yet become fully acquainted with.

Another interesting observation, I was able to read or sense someone mentality while I was holding their hands, at least this worked for Daemon, Cordelias was completely silent. I wonder if it would simply be a matter of forcing/dominating my psyche over hers? I would like to try this with others but I'm sure my intentions would be given away straight away.

Therefore with my assistance, I was able to get everyone to the Undershadow, wherever that is! All I know is we needed to go here for some reason and Cordelia needed my help to get us here as I was the only person she knew who knew enough about magic to help.

HAHAHAHA, boy that makes me laugh, SHE actually needed MY help. Who would have ever thought. Ah well, I guess Deidra couldn't help or wouldn't but my guess is she didn't want to ask her for assistance, therefore leaving it to me

  Hero of the Hour - Allanon   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 28/07/2013 Last Updated 28/07/2013