The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Allanon Silver

Allanon's Diary

Date: 12/09/2150 Location: Castle Carnelian

Tonight I'm writing my diary while quite sore, though I'm not sure if my physical wounds or my pride is more wounded. 

I don't know why I didn't get rid of the cloak while in the crevice, normally I would instantly have removed such a spell once I knew I'm no longer in danger. This mistake almost cost me my life, I need to be more careful, otherwise I will literally have my head blown off! 

At least I've made some progress with learning how to use the pattern in my magic. Llewella said she would consider teaching me, but would need to asses the level of my magic. 

Meanwhile we went through the book and discovered it held the ritual to summoning the unicorn. I decided to try and decipher the contents, I'm sure any of us who were potent to pattern would be able to but felt my expertise with magic and rituals would put me at the very least at some advantage at understanding it. 

On a side note, that book was extraordinary, honestly I've never seen anything like it. It had a huge amount of power residing in it but somehow felt magical. Therefore did not wish to risk trying to restore it using one of my spells. 

The book looked like it had been written by several people, but I'm not talking about sections but even paragraphs and sentences were written by different people. It took a great amount of mental endurance to read the book and decipher its contents. 

I would like to read more of the book, especially once it is restored. 

On a side note, I did manage to practice a reasonable amount of pattern abilities, this time it was hell riding and more shadow walking. I must say hell riding certainly was more efficient. I rested most of the time while not hell riding as me and Kohaku took turns to do this task and therefore get to carnelia quicker. I also made sure to try and observe the parameters while hellriding, I want to try and figure out what parameters pertain to magic. 

Also I am very concerned about the summoning ritual, according to the book, unless the summoner is at least giant sized, she will die. Also as the ritual is a form of a binding ritual, I am unsure what/who it binds to. If it binds to the summoner, then there is the risk of the summoner dies as a result of the unicorn dies. 

Also the summoner will have to be in the ward when summoning the creature, putting the summoner at risk again. I'm unsure if having Sorcha perform the ritual is a good idea. Though she does fit the requirements for the ritual, Deidra trusted us with her care. 

I don't want to necessarily want to put Sorcha in danger if I can, what would we say if she died in the process. Oh it was for the greater good, only idiots and pompous self righteous arseholes say that. 

Though I can't think of an alternative, who knows how long it would take to find another that fits that description.

  Hero of the Hour - Allanon   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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