The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Allanon Silver

Allanon's Diary

Date: 07/09/2150 Location: Amber

War, it's a topic I dislike talking about. But this war, as in the amber war which Brand is responsible for, looks much more like a slaughter than a war. 

Our side is losing, that much is now very clear. I originally thought us few who had been brought together by Deirdre were the key to stopping this war, but somehow I'm starting to think this might be too big for us alone. We need help. 

This became clear after all my time travelling with Cordelia. The Black Road, the siege at castle Carnelia, the problems at Kasfa and obviously Castle Amber. Also seeing the Amber pattern in its state and Cordelias uncle Blaze impaled to the rocks near the pattern was a disheartening seen. 

Cordelia was also very upset by the seen, it clearly showed, but I don't think she cared much to hide her feelings. 

We managed to get to the room Dworkin was being kept, but the book had been taken, most likely by Dworkin and I saw the broken pattern for my own eyes. 

It was dark and hideous unlike the Carnelian pattern. Hopefully we will be able to fix it, but at the moment we are only playing guessing games. Random was the sacrifice for the pattern to make it broken, god knows if he is alive, I do hope so, no one deserves to die trapped there. 

So back to square one trying to figure out how in gods name we will find the book that is in Dworkins hands who is almost impossible to find unless he wants us to find him as quoted by Cordelia. 

Urg, if I weren't so tired I would be putting more thought into this, but for the first time in a while I truly am exhausted. 

I must have over exhausted my magic. I kind of wished I had been a bit more careful, and had prepared a few more offensive spells. 

It was also kind of refreshing to be this tired, takes me back to the days when I was first learning magic, and to my military training. At first it was very hard and very tiring, especially for learning magic. I had almost no mental endurance, but with time and practice it grew. 

What happened in the tower: 

We got into the tower with Cordelias help, she explained that she occupied 3 floors and the top 2 would likely be safe but she had no idea how the bottom of the 3 floors would be like. 

I offered to help and accompany her, but again she retorted with a condescending comment, for the love of, does she not know how to be nice or courteous. I wasn't in the mood to argue in enemy area so I made myself as useful as possible by casting a cloak spell on Cordelia and Fane instead. 

When she came back from their scouting trip there was only bad news, and it only got worse from that point, seems we had to take the hard way in, through the demons and into a trump. 

Using the trump would mean alerting the demons but that was going to be inevitable with our approach toward the trump anyway. 

Well at least I got to test out if my magic is effective against the demons. I wanted to test this in a less life threatening situation at Carnelia but no time like the present I guess. 

And to my delight they were, but not nearly as effective as I'd like them to have been. From what I could tell their skin was hard enough to withstand the attack, possibly stronger than Fanes skin. 

Despite this they were still effected, some were slightly hurt and dazed while the ones that got hit from the ricochet effect of the spell managed to only be stunned for a second or so. 

This still proved useful, as it meant the others could get in and quickly attack before they had a chance to react, but I am very disappointed at the results. Never has my spells been so ineffective. 

Maybe I should try to prepare the spells with a higher magical and energy quantity, increasing the spells potency, but this would require more time to prepare, hmmmm I wish I had prepared that quickening spell first than maybe it would have been possible. 

I must remember to prepare my spells as I had done so many times during my missions in the military, but then I never had to go through the trouble of increasing the power of my spells, oh apart from the limited times when walls needed to be blow down, but then that's what explosives are for. A good overpowered fireball also does the job. 

I did managed to kill on demon with a spell, lured it into the area of effect and blasted it with a meteor strike, it did stop when I started to cast, but I guess it presumed something was going to come out of my hands. 

But I was also exceedingly lucky that my dermal plating was able to neutralized their damage, otherwise I was simply a punching bag during the fight and would likely have died without it. 

At this point I'd like to get back to my shadow and see if its in a good enough state for me to get the mages guild and my fathers company to manufacture some new gear.

  Hero of the Hour - Allanon   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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