The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Allanon Silver

Allanon's History

The Mages Guild

It was the middle of summer, and most students were having a fun time on their summer break. But not I, I was on my way to the Mages Guild for the first time, reluctantly. 

From what I had been told from my farther and my escort, the mages guild acted as an independent faction. Not tied to the rules or laws of any country, not obligated to any side at times of conflict or war but at the same time holds the respect and support of all countries and in turn advises them. 

Despite this, if a war breaks out the members of the guild who are citizens of that country may be called back to server for their country. But one universal rule does exist in the guild, don't bring the war into the guild and don't bring your hated and problems here. Leave them from whence they came from. 

There are only a few Mage Guild Towers: America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East and Africa. 

Each of the mages guilds are shared amongst their continents as you'd expect except for South America who the mages use oddly Africa's Guild. 

Most countries have an embassy for the Mages Guild, where there are special teleportation devices that will transport the person to the Mages Guild tower for that continent. 

This is where my journey began, being escorted to the embassy where we would be teleported to the European Mages Guild. 

The embassy wasn't very impressive, looked like a regular office building, like most embassies. Even inside there weren't a lot and looked like most embassies. I and my escort, who went by the name of Archie Mayver, approached the counter. Archie explained he was a member of the mages guild and was escorting myself to the guild to be inducted. The man behind the counter produced some odd device, the device looked like a regular 4" tablet but at the top had a small concave indent with a lightly glowing crystal ball floating above it. 

Archie touched the flat surface of the device and started mumbling something, within a few seconds the ball started glowing more intensely and a voice appeared from what I could only guess was from the device, I also noticed some text had appeared on the crystal. The clerk took the device and welcomed us and told us to take a seat and someone would come shortly to escort us inside! 

Once the embassy escort arrived, we were escorted through a security door, down the corridor, around to the right and up some stairs and through another sealed door. Past this door was a long corridor, it had no windows or other rooms except one at the end of the corridor. 

When we got to the end of the room the embassy escort wished us a safe journey and went back the way he came. This seemed strange but I guess Archie knew what to do from here! 

The room was a perfect cube in shape, with ornate pillars coming out diagonally from each corner of the room. The ends of the pillars were almost claw shaped with another one of those crystal balls in the middle, as if the claw was holding the sphere in place. 

There was also some strange circular pattern on each of the walls surrounding the room including the floor and ceiling. I also noticed similar patterns inside each of the crystal balls. 

I asked Archie about the details, but all replied 'Patience, everything will become clear once you join the guild. Then you will be able to make these trips on your own'. Archie began to mumble something again, and as like before the orbs began glowing, except this time I could see some light or energy emanating from the patterns. 

I could not tell if it was because I was on the pattern or because the power emanating was far greater, but I felt I could almost sense some form of energy, from the walls, the orbs, filling the entire room. It felt as if I had been thrown into a space of infinite water, it became more and more difficult to breath but for some reason felt ... exhilarating, as I struggled to stay conscious and breath a white flash appeared and I was on the ground. 

I was still conscious but everything was a blur, I had this figure hovering over me but in my disorientation I could not make out what it was saying. I presumed it was Archie, and another figure appeared, this time I barely made out what this one said, 'drink this, it will help'. 

I was helped out of the room to what looked vaguely like a park. I took a seat and after an hour I started to feel considerably better. The tall figure who had helped me asked what had happened. Archie was as confused as I was and neither of us could explain what had happened. 

Knowing he weren't going to get to the bottom of this so easily he introduced himself, Marcus Ryte, and welcomed me to the mages guild. Archie showed me around the tower and to explain how things work around here and what's on the agenda. 

The tower is built as a long hexagonal pillar. At the base of the tower there are 6 other Hexagonal buildings that look to go up 2 floors. 

The tower is setup in the following manner: 

        Ground floor: 

                Centre hexagon = Communal area + Transport room 

                Hex 1, 3, 5 = Labs and places to train in a relatively safe place. 

                Hex 2, 4, 6 = Dorms. 

        1st floor: 

            All 6 outer hexes are used for classes in various disciplines. Each hex is divided into 6 pieces, where each class teaches a different aspect and different level of difficulty of magic in that category. In the centre hex, there's a large room that houses a medical facility and some odd magical device known as a scrying orb. 

        On the 2nd floor, and the last of the floors with these additional rooms, there is a large library that is divided into 2 sections and a cafeteria. The 2nd section of the library is sealed off to any who are too inexperienced which mostly contains very high level magic and forbidden magic texts. 

        The floors above the 2nd floor are off limits except to the lecturers, guild masters and to the highest ranked mages. 

From what Archie tells me, the next few floors house various magical items, inventions, equipment and tools, etc. 

Beyond there and to the top floors are the rooms of the guild masters and the council room. 

Once the tour was done, Archie took me to the medical centre. I was curious why as I presumed the matter at the teleporter was over now and I have not had a similar attack since. There Archie explained here is where all new mages go for the first time to go through a few basic tests and induction process. 

I didn't think too much of it at first, thinking it would be a standard medical test. But I was seriously wrong, some mages were chanting something and soon after a sort of strange pool, 1 meter deep and approximately a 2 meter radius appeared. When I say strange, it was not a natural blue colour, but a deep/dark blue. Almost like ink, but I felt a strange feeling from it, something didn't seem right about it but I just couldn't put my finger on it, the more I looked into it the more I felt my consciousness falling in. I briefly remembered the feeling I got when I was on the teleporter and suddenly didn't like what was about to happen. 

Archie tried to reassure me that it's nothing dangerous, he explained it's a form of water divination, when I stand on the water, the pool will reveal reflections and forms of magic I'm most suited to. I was stunned, how was someone meant to walk on water, I thought that kind of trick was why I was here, it's physically impossible to walk on water and felt I was being played the fool, but Archie continued to try and reassure me that if I had the potential for magic I will not fall into the water. 

I was not reassured by this, if anything I felt worse. I could end up wet and have wasted a day travelling here, at least then I'd be able to enjoy the rest of the summer break. Reluctantly I went forward, with several people watching I felt a little under pressure that I had to go. 

As I got the edge, I stopped and starred for a few minutes, thinking something was about to jump out and attack me. I looked back at Archie, he could only eagerly gesture me to continue on. I kind of felt he didn't understand how I felt, I wish Draco or Cecilia was here! 

I took my first step, and as the first foot landed on the water, I felt a huge rush of.... something, it's hard to explain but it didn't feel like that feeling of drowning at the teleporter, but somehow felt as if something soft and warm was embracing me. Starting at where my right foot was and going straight up to the rest of my body. When I took a closer look at where my right foot was, I could almost see a kind of aura or steam coming from the pool; it was faint, almost invisible in-fact and was surprised to see this. It took me a few minutes but I realised my foot weren't sinking, my foot was submerged into the water by about 1cm but apart from that I definitely weren't sinking. 

Reluctant this was still some elaborate prank, but far too curious to what was going on, I took another step, this time with my left foot entering the pool. Again I felt this surge of embracing feeling and energy. Walking in the pool was easy, weightless, and with each step I felt a lesser but similar feeling as I had when I made my first step into the pool. 

Once I got to the centre of the pool, I turned around and faced the others who had been watching. The other mages around the pool began chanting again. Here it comes, I knew it. They were going to stop the spell that was keeping me afloat. I waited and waited, but nothing, I did not sink, was I wrong? 

The mages stop chanting, and then the mage in front of me revealed a bag of crystal orbs, similar to the ones I have been seeing. They were quite small, only a bit bigger than a pebble. One by one she dropped them into the pool. The orbs sank, only slightly, but certainly more than I had, the orbs were exactly half submerged into the pool, and they began to move about the pool of their own violation. 

As the orbs moved about the pool, the pool began to ripple. It was one strange event after another. What was going on? What will happen? When was this going to end? After a few seconds the ripples began to reveal strange patterns and images. 

With each ripple the various patterns and images would shrink and were absorbed into an orb, which would float to the edge of the pool. But the orbs somehow looked like they were guided to their positions as they neatly positioned themselves one by one clockwise around the pool edge. 

After a few minutes, the ripples started to recede, and all the orbs were on the edge of the pool. 'This may sting a little'. That was the last thing I heard that day, everything else is still a little blurry. What I do remember was suddenly falling into the pool. I remember trying to swim back to the surface, but unable to make any progress. 

I remember some ghost like figures coming out of the orbs that were floating about earlier, and grabbing me, holding, hugging me even strangling me. For some odd reason I felt something from these creatures, it felt like what I felt at the teleporter, but this time more controlled. 

I tried to free myself from these creatures, desperately trying to get to the surface to get some air, I weren't sure how long I could last but I knew I had to get out of here. As I started to feel like I could no longer hold my breath, I got a brief glimpse of something entered my mind, a picture painted with some odd text, except I could understand it. In my desperation I tried to recall it, roaring from the top of my lungs, a roar that would shake souls and strike fear into beasts. The last thing I remember was the pool getting brighter and brighter. 

When I came to, I was in a white bed and in a room which resembled a medical/hospital room. A nurse was tending to me at the time; on seeing I had awakened she told me to relax and went away. After a few minutes she returned with Archie at hand. 

Archie apologised for what happened and explained everything. 

He said the divination is divided into 2 parts, the first being if I've got the potential for magic and the divination of my favoured types. The 2nd part is the initiation, I was surprised they start that so soon but Archie explained that it has always been like that, but they don't often get cases like mine. 

The initiation is supposed to open and activate the magic circuit that resides in all creatures. Apparently anyone can do magic, but the ability to do so must be activated. This can be done in a number of ways but he only detailed how the mages guild achieve this is by activating this magic circuit within me and my soul! But in my case, I already had half of my circuit active, and that was probably why I had reacted the way I did at the teleporter and in the divination pool. Because I already had part of the circuit active, I could sense the energy/magic coming from them, and as I weren't well versed in magic, the energy was simply overwhelming my own senses. 

Archie asked, 'But how did you manage to cast that spell? I cast a spell? How? The image I had in the pool. Did someone put that there, was it the ghosts? There were so many unanswered questions, and Archie could see that I had little to offer that could enlighten him on this. 

He explained although it weren't a spell in traditional sense, apparently the spell I used was a form of voice or word magic. Archie explained there was a considerable amount of energy emanating from me and was somehow channelled into a roar that caused some considerable damage to the room, but luckily no one was hurt. 

Archie thought to move away from the current discussion and told me the results of the divination. He pulled out the strange orbs and said they are called lacrima. A magical device that is extensively used to store, hang and cast magic and magical energy. It can also be used in weapons and armour to give it Magical properties. 

As he was about to say something, I started reading the text. For some reason I was able to read this strange writing. It wasn't surprising that Archie was surprised. He said that's the encrypted language the mages of the guild have developed for casting spells. It is also used as a deterrent against others from being able to steal guild secrets. Could the events in the pool have triggered this? 

He also briefly mentioned an exceptional female mage invented the device. I was curious about whom she was but Archie didn't look like he was going to provide the details. He described each of the 6 orbs that were dropped, but for some reason Archie put 2 aside. I questioned him about them immediately but he wouldn't give the details; he only said that it was too early for me to learn about those magic's. 

2 of the orbs detailed how I was proficient in Sorcery and Conjuration. The other 2 mentioned how I should focus on elemental and darkness magic. 'Wouldn't darkness magic be forbidden?' I questioned. 'No, in fact the guild tried condone most forms of magic, even some necromancy. The guild masters have demonstrated that it is the practitioner that makes the magic bad no matter what the form is and not the magic itself.' Archie replied. 'But you can guarantee that you won't be learning darkness or any other advanced form of magic any time soon. They are reserved to only true magi. For the time being you will be enrolled to several classes to learn the basics of magic, its different forms, etc. And once the guild feels you are ready they will confer you a title and you will have the honour of being a ranked mage and not a pupil.' Archie continued. 

It looked like I would be joining the guild without the privileges of a mage! I questioned Archie about this further and he explained briefly how the magi rankings work. 

At the bottom are apprentices, who are classified as mages in training. They don't get most of the privileges of a normal mage as they are far too inexperienced. These mages are typically in full time education until they learn magic, control and discipline. 

Above them are Adepts, who are apprentices who have graduated and can officially be called mages of the guild. They have access to most of the material in the library and take more focused lessons within the guild but in a more part time capacity. 

Above them is Sorcerer/Sorceress rank. At this level you stop taking scheduled lessons all together and you can either continue to learn by going to further lectures, reading and experimenting or having a higher ranked mage as a mentor. Those who have mentors usually take mentors who know magic in the area they wish to follow in or can at least provide the guidance to their way of magic. Mages at this level are allowed to conduct their own research but usually it must be under supervision of a Battlemage/Sage rank or above. Sorcerer/Sorceress gets a reasonable amount of money for their research but for nothing else. 

Battlemage/Sage rank mages are the rank most mages get to in their lifetime. They are given the privilege to conduct most type of research without authorization from higher mages or the guild masters. The research must still be signed off but that is as little as an Archmage putting their stamp of approval and hearing no more of it. Some Battlemages/Sages give lectures or private lessons but are more commonly known for mentoring mages. Battlemages/Sages also have the privilege to go into the inventory and borrow most magical equipment at their leisure. Battlemages/Sages get paid a reasonable wage for their title and a reasonable amount of funding for research. Many Battlemages/Sages make a living from just their research and live quite comfortably. 

The highest rank, Archmage, is reserved for the highest and most accomplished mages. They spend most of their time doing research or being contracted as advisors / consultants about anything magic related. They are used in a host of various jobs and are paid a considerably high wage for just holding their title, amongst anything else they make on top for their contracted/consultation jobs. All the guild masters are of this rank and most mages never reach this rank apart from the most elite/influential mages. 

Since that day I have been studying magic at the mages guild on a part time basis, an exception was made for me, so that I may study the various lessons my father had me undertake as well as to do my job in the military once I had joined. I also found out that my mother was a member of the guild, but oddly unlike most she joined at Archmage rank and did not have to go through the induction process, it seems as though she already knew magic before she came to the guild. Though there still is no images/records of her exploits apart from a few records referencing a mysterious woman and mostly those who had met her or had told me about the records. I decided I would first learn Sorcery and learn conjuration once I reached Adept or Sorcerer rank. I also decided I would keep working on my magic until I became a Archmage like my mother and have my name go down in the guilds historical records, so those who know of me will know it was my mother who motivated me to get to this level and therefore everyone know of my mother for who she is and not just some mysterious genius female mage.

  Hero of the Hour - Allanon   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

Site Created and Maintained by Kevin Cowley©Azer Cybertech Ltd 2013
Page Created 29/07/2013 Last Updated 29/07/2013