The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Allagahn

Allagahn's Diary

Chapter 4a - An Amber wards jaunt.

We travelled a few days towards Amber, fairly uneventfully. This gave us ample opportunity to practice our new skills and get to know each other a little better.

Charity even seems to be lightening up a little bit! My skills at shadowalking and probability manipulation are improving daily and it I am now able to achieve results quicker and with much less effort. As the amount of concentration required decreases, I find I am also able to keep this up for longer without tiring. The current plan is a find a port where we can get a military or pirate ship to take us to Amber. I believe landing by sea is tactically the best move for us at this point, it will allow us to get a look at the place before approaching too near.

The phenomenon of the 13th our continues to occur, we were lucky a few times and were not attacked, however one morning as we left a town, we were caught in the open. Demons, similar to the ones fought previously, began to pour out of an alley way. We were somewhat ready for these creatures, so they were not too difficult to dispatch, however there was also another demon emerged who was a lot stronger and tougher. My sword did very little against it and the situation looked a little grim, luckily Alfred distracted it and I was able to plunge my sword under one of it's armoured plates. It didn't quite finish him off, but I managed to pull him backwards onto the sword, which appeared to do the trick.
Alfred and I suffered a few injuries in the skirmish, nothing permanent, but we have to be a lot better prepared the next time it occurs.

Chapter 4b - An unexpected guest

A Logrus tentacle appeared out of nowhere and disgorged a naked girl. Some might be happy about this kind of thing however, I tend to distrust it. She claims her mother is Dierdre and has been able to shed some light on quite a few things. She is fairly stuck up, but I am not sure whether she is actually an Amberite. It seems she is quite powerful at Logrus. She has joined our group and we are continuing towards Amber.

We have found that the creatures who have been attacking us are the children of Rodiun and they are attempting to release him. They must be searching the shadows for the seal which keeps him under control. This is a good and a bad thing, bad if they find it, good because they are not looking specifically for us.

As we approach Amber, the 13th hour seems easier to predict and we are able to ensure that we are tucked away out of sight when it occurs.

Charity is attempting to learn Hell Riding, which I had intended to work on next. I've decided instead to concentrate my efforts on being able to find things in Amber and to walk the pattern with my mind. I have gone off alone to look for a sword that might be slightly more useful than my current one and hopefully improve my skills.

I have also come up with a plan. I suspect Brands forces may be affected by the 13th hour much like everyone else, otherwise they could have attacked Carnelian during this time. This may allow us to turn this time to our advantage if we coordinate our arrival in Amber with this.

We are currently in the "Golden Circle" area surrounding amber and it appears to be quite oriental. If it is possible to take non Amberites through shadow we may be able to raise an army of samurai or perhaps monguls to help us fight Brands forces if they are in Amber.

  Hero of the Hour - Allagahn   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 20/07/2005 Last Updated 20/07/2005