The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Allagahn

Allagahn's Diary

Chapter 2 - An annoying blend of weirdos

Another has turned up in the bomb shelter by the name of Charity. Like us, she just appeared out of nowhere riding a huge tentacle. Unlike us, she seems to have some clue as to what is going on here (although she doesn't want to say).

It is clear now that we have ended up in some sort of parallel dimension and these people have powers to control aspects of it. They also suggest that the dwarf and I have these powers and that we will soon learn how to use them. We seem to have been called upon to assist in some sort of war amongst people of our kind between amber and chaos. From the description of the creatures involved, I now believe it is the same alien force that is invading my home dimension (or "Shadow").

The world outside the shelter was a utterly destroyed. They say that Yellowstone (some sort of volcano) erupted and half destroyed the place and the battle has been raging with these creatures from Chaos.

We set out after equipping ourselves and began walking through the city. As we walked, things seemed to change every so slightly around us. Disturbingly this appeared to be due to the powers of "Pattern" displayed by Cordellia. She was able to shift our surroundings to resemble more closely the place she wanted to go and we were actually able to shift between shadows. Through these powers they are also able to manipulate the chance of things occurring, such as finding horses when you need horses.

After a while we came across trucks and proceeded for a long time using these. Cordellia told us very little about where we were going or why, however we had little choice but to follow her. The trucks were loaded up at a fort, with large quantities of black powder weapons and we set off to something called the "black road", which carries these chaos creatures between the shadows. The plan was to use troops from the fort to bombard the black road with artillery and follow up closely behind in the trucks. I suggested driving side by side so as we had only to protect one side and the rear of each vehicle.

This was my first sight of the black road, it appears as a large black scar across the landscape and I believe it is same thing described to me in my home Shadow, from which the alien forces emerged. The crossing was better than expected and chaos creatures turn out to be less of a problem than the overwhelming sense of dread that the road itself inspired. We suffered no losses and only minor damage to the other truck, however I am in no hurry to repeat the process!

Once across, we headed to a castle with the supplies. Apparently the reason for the black powder weapons is that different technological items work in different shadows, and the more "real" the reality, the more primitive the weapons must be. We found a less obvious entry point to the castle and evaded the enemy troops in order to approach.

The dwarf and I are currently waiting outside while Cordellia and Charity arrange things within the castle. They have been gone a long time (not a bad thing in my opinion) .

  Hero of the Hour - Allagahn   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 06/07/2005 Last Updated 06/07/2005