The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Alfred

Alfred's Diary

Chapter x+5 - Answers and Questions

After the previous day's conversation with Ygg, I decided to go back the next day to ask some more questions. In particular some of the answers that I had were a bit confusing - especially "Time not" and "Grow not". Unfortunately I couldn't remember exactly what my question had been to get these answers.

This time I was careful to note down the questions that I was asking, and the answers.

Why are you half-way between Amber and the Courts of Chaos?
Been always. Connected not.

You said you had many children. Are these [the surrounding wood] your children?
Many seedlings. One daughter.

Do they all have names, or only Drasil?
All named, everything named.

What is that [indicate one particular tree] called.
(No intelligible answer - presumably something in tree)

That name didn't make sense to me, but Drasil did. Why?
Need speak name.

Can the other seedlings communicate, or just you.
All communicate.

I've tried talking, but they don't talk back.
Tree think.

Can I talk to Drasil?
Think walky brain can.

Can you talk to her from here?
Communicate yes.

Do you have any other children like Drasil?

What's special about Drasil?

Why no other daughters like Drasil?
Not necessary.

Why did you have Drasil before?
Time. Time again near.

What was special about that time?
Just time. Time was, time is.

What is Drasil doing at Carnelian?
Growing. Watching.

Did Corwin take her there?

Was she a present or did you give her to Corwin?
Gave to Corwin.


From this I guess (but am not absolutely sure about) that something particular happened when Ygg gave Drasil to Corwin. I know that Drasil doesn't like Rodian, so maybe these two things are connected. In either case we may find out more from either Drasil or Corwin.

In any case, I now remember that I didn't get an answer when I asked who was Ygathran, but that isn't necessarily surprising. The little sorcery that I know has a basic rule that someone's true name holds great power over them, and Ygathran is probably Ygg's true name.

Following this converation I returned to the inn, and at the next 13th hour returned with Cordelia and Sorcha to Deirdre's tower. There she said that Charity had returned and gone to the Courts of Chaos. We decided to travel there to meet up again, so that we could share information and decide what to do.

The ruler of the Courts of Chaos is Merlin, who seems to be Cordelia's half-brother, and even more obnoxious than her. Fancy calling me names and saying that I deny who I am - I know who I am, I'm Alfred Enoch Stephenson-Enginewright. Sadly I also seem to be related to someone who breeds with unicorns and a bunch of humans, but you can't choose your family (apparently).

We did find out something interesting at the Courts of Chaos - all of the Logris Masters (similar to someone who has walked the pattern, but for Logris) and not affected by the 13th hour. There may be more people who can move around in the 13th hour than we thought.

During our time at the Courts of Chaos I read the rest of the Book of Selheim that I have. Sadly the last 3rd (probably 4 chapters) is missing. We may have to just guess what was in there. I hope that it wasn't important.

I also spent some time taking basic lessons in sorcery from Mandor. I suspect that it will be me who has to cast the final ritual (if we manage to get that far), as I seem to be the only person who is competent in magic. Interestingly though it seems that Cordelia has picked up a little conjuration since we last met.

  Hero of the Hour - Alfred   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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