The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heros of the Hour - Alfred

Alfred's Diary

Chapter x+4 - Tree Hugging!

The trip back to Deirdre's tower was uneventful, apart from Charity deciding to lead the party. This meant that Sorcha and myself had to join minds with Cordelia to travel. This had been OK with Charity, but Cordelia seemed to burrow into my mind and I couldn't push her out. I'm definitely going to be more wary of doing that in the future.

Once back at the tower we read more of the book. It went on to describe how Rodian was formed, some more of Selheim (who it seems is now the Phoenix - I believe), and some objects required for the ritual for rebinding Rodian.

Something that will be required is the blood and ink from the Kraken. Apparently this lives in the Abyss, and Charity said that she could travel there, while the rest of us couldn't. Apparently this has something to do with her not moving during the 13th hour as well. Charity went into the Abyss while the rest of us continued to read the book, waiting for her return.

We had decided to go to see a tree half-way between Amber and the Courts of Chaos. Charity seemed to be taking longer than expected, so the rest of us went to see this tree - apparently called Ygg. We thought this might help as something required was the sword and chalice of Ygathran.

The tree itself is very impressive - a mixture of different kinds of trees and enormous - far larger than even most buildings that I have seen. Talking to it is very difficult though - I suppose that I don't have the mind set of a tree. It did suggest that we talk to its daughter, Drasil, at Carnelian though.

Typically, Cordelia and Sorcha weren't helpful during this time, just leaving me to talk to Ygg and wondering off to a local inn, without even telling me. Typical.

  Hero of the Hour - Alfred   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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