The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Alfred

Alfred's Diary

Chapter x+y+8 - I'm not an Elf!

Things went very strange. One minute it seemed that I was making a last stand, the next I seemed to be in a totally different place, with very few clothes left on, an incapable Charity (not that that is unusual), and no demons near me at all.

I think that I may have gone primal again.

I didn't seem to have any trumps, but Charity did. I grabbed the one of Ygg, opened a gate, pushed her through, and followed as quickly as I could. I didn't know where I was, but I was certainly not going to stay there - at least I should get somewhere safe.

It seemed that I had gone primal. Charity explained later that I was in some sort of prison - it sounds like I'd escaped into the place where Rodian had been kept all that time.

I'm glad that I'm out of there.

I think I must have slept for a long time then. I remember talking to Corwin before going to bed, but not what we said - I must have been tired.

It was dark when I got up. The early hours of the morning I assume. Downstairs there were some people up so I joined them and had a bite to eat and drink. Charity turned up but she got very stroppy when I simple asked if she had my crossbow. Honestly - some people (well, humans) have no idea. Here I was, saving her life, and she couldn't even be pleasant.

So I decided that I would go to Ygg. It seemed to be very cold, but the quarter master got me some clothes that weren't too big.

The conversation at Ygg was interesting, but brief (I got too cold after a while).

Alfred: Ygg, are you there?

Ygg: Ygg here.

How are you coping with cold?

Cold necessary.

Are you making it cold?



Shut down trees.

Because of the army?


Are you growing a chalice?

Chalice of Yggarathon grows.

So what is Drasl growing?

Drasl grows blade. Come when warmer. Must talk.

I left then - I did need to warm up. Talking to Ygg is interesting (far easier than talking to those selfish humans), but takes so long.

The next day, after I'd managed to warm up, I returned.

You said we must talk.

Need favour.

Yes, what favour?

Need grafts taken.

Grafts from you?


Where taken?

Know when reach place.

When do you want me to take the grafts?

Return in 7 cycles light and dark.

How many grafts? Enough for me to carry?

To carry you easy.

I will do that favour. You know that an army comes?

Storm comes.

Can you do anything to help us defeat it?

Grafts ensure victory.

When will the chalice be ready?

21 cycles.

Thank you Ygg - I will return to talk to you later.

I assume from this conversation that Ygg is trying to save itself - or at least part of itself. Maybe we don't need to work quite so hard to save it. I don't like the idea of just leaving the forest though.

Honestly, you would almost think that I'm an elf.

  Hero of the Hour - Alfred   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 29/03/2006 Last Updated 29/03/2006