The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour

Heroes of the Hour - Alfred

Alfred's History


Yes I know Stephenson is an odd name for a Gnome, but let me explain.

I was born in 1780 in High Wray in the Cumbrian Mountains in England. We gnomes tend to like mountainous regios, so in the UK we tend to live in Wales, Scotland, or Northern England.

I never knew my father. My Mother would occasionaly mention that I might know him one day, but she wasn't anymore forth coming.

My mother was Rebecca Enginewright. A absoultely typical example of a Gnome - 4'2", pointed ears, large nose, and a large head. If you weer to draw a typical Gnomish woman then that was my mother.

We left High Wray when I was 5 and moved to near Wylam, near Newcastle. My mother said it would be "best for me". i think there were problems in High Wray. Gnome families are secure and extended, and in ours there was just the two of us. I never knew an extended family and of course my father wasn't present.

Becasue of him I had to grow up away from the mountains and in a village of humans. Can you imagine how that felt?

My life shortly there after got worse. When I was 8 my mother left me. She took me to one side and told me that she had to go away for a bit, but she'd be back one day. The stephensons would look after me., and she'd left some money for when I was older, but she'd be back before then. That was 27 years ago.

At least living with the Stephensons wasn't too bad. They had a son my age (George), and we used to go and look at the Colliery engines or tinker with scraps we could salvage. We had a lot of fun making things together, although George always took my designs and passed them off as his own. The Stephensons were the only human family I got on with.

When I was 16 I opened the packet that my mother had left me. There was a little money, and a note in a language I do not understand; and I know French. German, and a little Latin. I'm still trying to decipher the note, and have never shown it to anyone.

I left Wylam and travelled to London. There I got an apprenticeship at the London Clock Company. I only stayed for 18 month.
By 9 months I found that I knew more and could do more than anyone else there, but they wouldn't give me a raise or an improved job.

I setup my own shop, first in a bedsit I rented in Clerkenwell, then in a small shop, and finally a house with adjoining shop in Lambeth.

I've made mistakes along the way but found that Gnomes are though t to be good engineers, which has stood me in good stead. Looking older helps as well, hence the long beard, stick, and glasses.

I am now wel enough known that I can pick and choose my work. I make and repair all things clockwork, but also design the steam engines required for the mines and mills - well some of them. I've supplied some bits and pieces to the Navy and have some plans of my own - top sectet of course- which I always keep with me.

Along the way I have taught myself the skill of Rune Mastery, although I'm still not that accomplished. The night classes have helped but I think I need to find a more accomplished teacher.

  Hero of the Hour - Alfred   The Keep of the Thirteenth Hour  

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Page Created 21/06/2005 Last Updated 21/06/2005